Optifast Question?

on 12/30/11 4:54 pm
Has anyone done Optifast?

Our WLS section of Kaiser is now offering it to post ops who want to loose some regain. It is a comprehensive program that costs $2500 whi*****ludes all the doctor visits and counseling.

I was thinking of just buying the bars and shakes on amazon or ebay.

Question- has anyone done it? How does it work? How many bars and shakes a day?
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/11 10:32 pm
Mitzi, I tried Optifast before WLS.  I know your surgery was a while ago.  Do you drink any protein now?  Are you comfortable replacing a meal and some snacks with protein?  Have you tried Syntrax Nectar protein powders?  I am 2 1/2 years out and I still drink 2-3 a day to get my protein in and I love the taste of them (especially chocolate truffle). 

I guess the answer to your question depends on how rigid of a program you want and how much it is worth it for you.  I prefer the taste of Syntrax.  Many of us have been on crash diets (like Optifast) and have failed.  Personally, if I invested $2,500 on it and failed, I would feel worse.  If we had the discipline to follow Optifast, you probably wouldn't need to invest the $2,500.  You could just order the products as you suggested.  If you look at their website, you can figure out, based on your daily needs, how much you could eat of their bars and shakes, etc. 

If you have seen weight creep back on and have noticed you aren't eating the way you would like, I would suggest finding a support group such as OA to learn some basics on how to manage compulsive eating.  Compulsive eating and compulsive dieting all lead to failure.  Don't rush into Optifast until you have your tools in place and feel really confident in your choices. 

You CAN do this!!! 

Happy New Year!
on 12/31/11 6:39 pm
Thanks Christopher for your great response. I really appreciate all your wisdom you have to offer. I only have seen 10 pounds creep on so even if I dont do optifast I am confident I can get it off. Just curious since our WLS program now officially endorses it. Thanks again and Happy New Year
on 12/30/11 11:27 pm
Optifast is intended to help people with 'normal' insides lose weight. I seriously question whether it would provide adequate nutrition for someone with an RNY. I'd think a sensible high-protein, low-carb diet of real food would serve you better.

on 12/31/11 6:40 pm
Thank you for your reply. It is much appreciated.
on 12/31/11 12:07 am
I'm in Ontario, Canada and our bariatric centres recommend Optifast for 2 to 4 weeks pre-surgery. We are on the Optifast 900 and have 4 packages a day which provided total nutrition at 900 calories per day.

However Ms Batt is correct, we are not to have this post-op.  We are encouraged to have protein supplements post-op until we can get enough protein in by food intake.

Chris has a good suggestion to try using protein shakes to replace some meals.

Good luck.

on 12/31/11 6:41 pm
Aloha Judy, thank you for your reply. It is much appreciated. Happy New Year
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