Dr. Oz did not help matters

loretta cowels
on 1/23/12 8:06 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
So I watched doctor Oz about wls I allways liked him but he really did not help me at all when it comes to exsplaining all this to my hubby. He really made it sound simple like not many complications. My husband now thinks that after my surgery we will save money on all the meds i take. Trying to exsplain to him at this point that the only med i may be able to quit taking is my bp pills would be a lost cause. Loretta
Mary Catherine
on 1/23/12 9:15 pm
 Many and probably most people are off their meds immediately after surgery.  Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesteral are some that I can think of offhand that people quit and often never need again.

I had RNY and zero complications, lost all my excess weight, labs are great, full of energy, wear size 4 pants now and stopped most medicines.  Dr. Oz was one of the big factors in my decision.

What pills and medical issues do you have Loretta?
WhoIWantToBe *.
on 1/23/12 9:23 pm
RNY on 01/10/12
I went to all my prescribing doctors before surgery, and was taken off a bunch of my meds immediately, including one for blood pressure, one for diabetes, and a bunch from my neurologist. You might be surprised at what you can come off of.

In any case, let your husband think what he wants to think about the meds.  The whole point of the surgery is to improve your health, not to save money on prescriptions, but if it makes him happy to believe that, let him! 

  - Barb, who is at GOOOOOOAAAAAAL!
                                     HW: 274  SW: 244  GW: 137 CW: 137!
              Keep on swimming!  Keep on swimming! 

on 1/23/12 9:51 pm
WLS is not always a rose-garden. Please be sure to have a realistic idea of life after weightloss. After almost 9 years, I consider myself lucky, but not very typical, in that I haven't had serious issues to deal with. I have had a little regain and anemia, but those are all within my control and I am able to deal with them. Many, many others have hypoglycemia to deal with, major regain, seizures, ulcers, intestinal issues etc. Not meant to turn you off of wls at all, I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. Just want to make sure you are going into this eyes wide open.
on 1/23/12 9:58 pm - Liberty, NC
I didn****ch Dr Oz.
Are they saying there are problems with the RYN surgery?
I had this done almost 11 yrs ago. Ive done well a few problems with malabsorption but other than that. Great!
I lost 100 lbs and have only gained about 15 back which I think is pretty good considering the time and all the stress Ive been under for the last 5 yrs.
I didnt have diabetes before but Im at a huge risk because I had already had it during pregnancies and both parents were diagnoised with diabetes.
I lost my mom 4 yrs ago the the disease.
So reading in some of the post Im seeing kinda has me concerned.
on 1/23/12 10:21 pm - Lancaster County, PA
Another thing to remember is that even though you may save money by not taking as many prescription medications, you will be spending a fair amount of money on vitamins and supplements and protein powders...
on 1/23/12 10:33 pm
 It was an informercial.

Did you enjoy the segue to "Sleeping Off Your Weight?" 

on 1/23/12 10:41 pm - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14
Hi: I always remind myself that the people we watch on T.V are hired guns working for the station or companies trying to sell us something. I like Dr. Oz show, but I still remember to follow the money trail, this is how he makes he's money. I take things with a grain of salt, specially when it comes to green backs. It's true with WLS one can stop taking meds after surgery.
WLS is only a tool to help us on our journey, not a cure all for our problems.
Have a blessed day.
loretta cowels
on 1/23/12 11:52 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I take meds for fibro witch my husband of only two years does not fully understand so when doctor Oz said most people will be off meds. He thinks that means me well my fibro is not going any were and my hubby does not understand any off this he hates doctors and is rarley sick hes support of me but does not understand things. I was really just blown away at how doctor oz made it sound easy its not easy and theres alot you have to do. I can see were some people will be like sighn me up and not research the problems and life after words yes they mentioned its a tool and they joked about remembering how mom said take your vitamins but they didnt mention how serious it can be if you dont. Loretta
on 1/24/12 5:40 am

I suggest that you take your husband to the informational seminars that the surgeons offer so that he can ask questions.  He should also go to the initial consult with you.  Being able to get "up close and personal" with the surgeon makes a difference and helps them to better understand what is going on.  My surgeon was more than happy to address questions and concerns.

I thought the show gave some good information but it was incomplete.  He never talked about doing research before, or the potential problems or the total lifestyle changes that are required post surgery.  There are so many other considerations such as vitamin deficiencies, hair loss, loose skin despite exercise, etc.

I think the presentation was unbalanced b/c it told all of the positives without any of the negatives.

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

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