14 months post op diet questions

on 2/1/12 11:38 pm - Mohegan Lake, NY
I am 14much months post op and down 163 lbs. I do have some more too lose and I was wondering if anyone had like a diet plan that works for them? An idea about calories and/or carbs & protein etc.

I do not do much exercise and I know thats terrible but I do have a 2 ywear old at home that consumes most of my time and I work full time. Also I am trying to get more water in beside i dont get enough of that either.

Please help!!
on 2/1/12 11:58 pm - Kingston, TN
VSG on 07/03/12
 "I do not do much exercise and I know thats terrible"

Bingo!  Have a look at this video and skip to 3:50 if you like.  MrSmileyFL used to post here on these forums, I believe. 
 I love his videos.


If you're looking for something to tell you how much to eat, try sparkpeople.com

Kim S.
on 2/2/12 12:11 am - Helena, AL
You already stated a key issue.  Weight loss is calories in vs calories burned.  Period. 

You are likely consuming enough food to maintain your current weight.  Stop searching for a "diet" NOW!  Diets did not work before, and they wont work now.  If you want to lose weight and not exercise, you'll likely have to cut back on your daily intake.

Here's some of my advice:

1) Begin tracking everything you put into your mouth.  You can do that here on OH in the Health Tracker.  I've used it for over 2 years now.

2) Determine your RMR http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php

3) Set your daily caloric level at your RMR - 500.  This will set you up to lose 1 lb per week, which is the safest level to shoot for AND it will give you enough food so you don't feel deprived.

4) Make 100-120 grams of protein per day your goal.  I eat a 6-7 oz chicken breast grilled every single day.  That alone is 53 grams of protein, and it is real food so I feel full.

5) Eat 6-7 small meals each day.  This will keep your blood sugar level and will keep you feeling full.

6) Exercise.  Everyday.  At least 30 minutes.  If your heartrate is up and you are sweating, you are good.

7)  Follow the rules of your surgery.  Do not drink with meals and do not drink for at least 30 minutes afterward.  Limit simple carbs and sugar, but don't completely eliminate them.  If you do, you'll feel deprived, and we all know how well that has worked for us in the past.......

8)  Come here for support.  We are here for you.

In order to keep eating what you are eating, you'll need to increase physical activity.  Don't use the baby as an excuse.....use the baby as a personal gym!  There are workouts you can do that involve the baby, and almost all babies love being outdoors for a brisk walk.  Not to mention that exercise is a key to overall good health and weight maintenance for life.

on 2/2/12 12:36 am
Kim, I would just like to say thank you for all your wonderful advise and encouragement.  That is all!

Hugs, Jennifer
   hi there.  pleased to meet you.  ~jennifer                        
on 2/2/12 12:18 am - New Bern, NC
Congrats on you success so far, you are doing GREAT

Until you are ready for maintenance, there is nothing wrong with following the same food plan you've been using to lose since 6 months post -op, that is the way to keep losing weight, its just harded to follow the further you get from surgery (less easy loss & more like diets of old)

I have 4 things to suggest, if you have not already heard them to help set you mind in the right direction as far as numbers go...

1.  determine your current RMR (you can get the formula to calculate off the internet), once you know the RMR# you need to subtract 500 cals a day...this will net a cal deficiate of 3500 a week which technically should be 1 lb lost, unfortunately for must of us former fatties, your metabolism is messed up so you may not lose 1 lb every week but you will keep losing...

2.  Go low fat, best formula for fat I got from my dietician, its easy to work...Look at the label of what you are planning to eat...on the line that says calories, next to it is the words cals from fat...multiply the cals from fat # by 3, if that number is equal to or less that the cals per serving then you have chosen a low fat item if it is more don't eat it (to high in fat)

3.  I know exercise is hard to fit in, you don't have to "officially" exercise, but you do need to move...Make a point to do something, park the furthest from the store door - take a walk every night with your 2 yrs old (let them walk too, push an empty stroller until they get tired then, put them in and keep going) - use the stairs at your office (in stead of elevator) - got out at lunch, on foot...Etc...

4.  Carbs, you need them to function, even your brain does not work right without carbs, shoot for total carb (again not net but total) to be no more than 1/2 your total protein for the day - ie : eat 83 grams of protein, eat no more than 41 total carbs...

Good Luck, you're going strong, you'll keep doing great and your goal is just over the horizon...If you can keep working the program and doing thing right most of the time you will make it to goal and succeed at maintanence too!

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142  

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