Blessed and Cursed!

on 3/8/12 6:16 am - Charlotte, NC
I am over a year out from RNY.  My problem is EVERYTHING I eat makes me nauseous.  Ok I'm exagerating but even a little sugar makes me dump. Grease?   Forget about it!  I'm barfing.  I know Im supposed to stay away from the bad stuff anyway but sometimes I get a craving for a mocha frappe and chicken nuggets, etc.  The last time I ate that, I had to pull over and ...well you know the rest!

I know people that have had the surgery and can eat ANYTHING they want.  I ate a small piece of roast like at 9pm and woke up in the morning hugging the toilet.  Really, Im just venting, it is a blessing in disguise that I can't eat unhealthy foods, my brain sometimes just gets the best of me and I will suffer the consequences and go for it.  

I am constantly nauseous, sometimes, even the smell of grease sets me off.  Does anyone else have this issue?
Citizen Kim
on 3/8/12 6:20 am - Castle Rock, CO
    Eight years in July ...

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 3/8/12 6:23 am - Charlotte, NC

Do you still dump?  Have you successfully kept off the weight?  If you have gained any weight how much did you gain?
Citizen Kim
on 3/8/12 6:30 am - Castle Rock, CO
I still dump on fats and sugar and have to limit processed and white carbs - or I fall into a carb coma!  I have also developed type II diabetes in the last year. 

I had a BMI of 40 with 100lbs to lose to achieve a normal BMI.   I initially lost 120lbs in just under 7 months.   I regained the 20lbs in years 4 and 5 and have maintained the 100lb loss since.

I do work at it, but am very happy to be where I am today ...

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Jackie McGee
on 3/8/12 9:15 am - PA
Everything makes me sick. I throw up CONSTANTLY, and I just wanted to point out to you that throwing up does not always equal dumping. You may want to get a scope done to check for damage, ulcers, strictures, etc. Hope you feel better.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

on 3/8/12 10:32 am - darlington, WI
I agree with getting a scope done.
I also had vomiting problems and especially trouble with red meat, even very small, well chewed pieces.
Anyway, they found a loose stitch and an ulcer.
They gave me two Meds for the ulcer and it was okay bit I need to watch it. Fortunately I hav never been a big red meat person. My biggest problem now is that sugar has no effect and I wi**** did.
On the plus side, 2-3 beers is much cheaper than a
Good luck to you.
on 3/9/12 2:05 am - Canada
You want chicken nuggets???  Make your own and bake them; healthier for you and eliminates fat.
Mocha frappe...same thing; you should be able to make a very similar one using protein powders.

Lots of people have problems with red meat; could be,  if it's well done it's too firm.   Have you tried it more on the juicier side?  Or, go for chicken, seafood, imitation crab, turkey..things that are a different density.

Bad habits forming if you aren't pre-planning your meals and are stopping at the fast food restaurants.......  you might want to start thinking about some take along foods instead.  Healthier, cheaper, etc... and try not driving and eating at the same associations can wreck havoc on anyone.  Makes you think you are hungry because you are now in the car.  Sort of like when a person lights up a cigarette when they start their car....  Once they stop smoking and start the car they feel like they are missing something in the process (which they are, but it's the association of the two things).  Does that make sense???

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/9/12 2:16 am
I am constantly nauseous, sometimes, even the smell of grease sets me off. Does anyone else have this issue?

That was me for a few months. End up with severe GB atack. I did not have stones but my GB stoped working and I had sludge (very thick bile). Once the GB was removed - things got better. Still can't eat some of the items you mention without being really sick - but that is why the RNY works for me. I get too sick if I try to eat not healthy food. Eventully I got to a point that the  idea of food that may make me sick was a good enough deterent not to eat it. 
But I do can eat stake and lately even can eat some Mayo... (was craving it big time)

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/9/12 10:45 am - Canada
Those aren't in response to my post are they?  They don't seem to be.  Must be in response to the OP's ones; you posted this in the wrong place didn't you???????
on 3/10/12 2:14 am
please don't take this as my flaming you not at all but mocha frappe? obviously you do not read the labels for sugar contents? I know at Barix in Longhorn PA we are told 2 grams of sugar or else look out! I stay in the single digits.  Mocha frappe? You are kidding right? Chicken nuggets? Like I have read millions of times just because we had any wls the cravings do not go away.  Yes in the honeymoon stages but oh boy they are still lurking. Let me give you my personal experience about roasts I cannot eat anything other than prime rib, fillet Mignon, rib eye.  Yes they are the expensive cuts but I tried London broil and all that and dumped. I cannot eat any chicken I have tried baked chicken broiled you get the picture.  And something greasy why tempt fate? I hope you feel better and know you will make better choices. Also like Jackie suggested should you continue to have issues I would have it checked out . May want to consider that eating at 9pm may be a little late especially if you go to bed shortly afterward. Trust me the toilet and I have done lots of hugging so I am there with you. We live and learn. Yes there are days I would kill to eat a piece of cake and one time the craving won and did I hug the toilet?  You bet but I learned and literally got it out of my system and didn't try again. Feel better.
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