
on 3/10/12 9:06 am - MA
Had my weight loss surgery consult last Wednesday. Because my bipolar has been unstable the last couple of years they said it would be ill-advised to have the surgery before two years of stability, which would make it next June. They took me into the program though, so I just have to stick to their program in the meantime. It has been working so far.
Jackie McGee
on 3/10/12 10:34 am - PA
I don't think being stable with your bipolar before having such a life changing surgery is a bad idea. Use the year to concentrate on feeling better emotionally and then think about something else. Your physical well-being depends on your emotional well-being. That's something most people don't take care of before jumping into weight loss surgery, myself included! Good luck to you.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

on 3/10/12 11:51 am - MA
 Oh, I agree about being stable. I guess I had unrealistic expectations. I knew my emotional situation might be a hindrance.Thanks for understanding.
Jackie McGee
on 3/10/12 12:28 pm - PA
I don't think you had unrealistic expectations. I think you're just excited to start a new life which is what weight loss surgery will give you physically, and being excited about changing yourself for the better isn't a bad thing at all! Just keep that excitement going while you work on your bipolar issues (stability, depression, controlling impulses, etc.) and the time will totally fly by.

You're also gaining an extra year where you can be on this site doing research, asking questions and knowing 100% what you're getting into. That definitely isn't a bad thing!

Just take care of yourself and try as hard as you can to stay positive. If you need someone to talk to about anything, just shoot me a message - and I'm sure you'll find a ton of people on here willing to talk, too. Most big/formerly big girls on this site have some kind of issues, so you are definitely not alone.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

on 3/10/12 12:36 pm - MA
Gina 21 Years Out
on 3/10/12 9:48 pm - Burleson, TX

PAULETTE-I totally agree with JACKIE...AND it speaks VOLUMES, to me, of where YOY are, in your "bipolar stability" (for lack of any fancier term I can pull out of my butt this morning)...You accepted the programs's decision for the delay with obvious grace, and have chosen to "stick it out", when you COULD have chosen to tell them to stick it up their @ss, and gone to the nearest ice cream shop. KUDOS TO YOU!!!!!

WLS is for the rest of our lives. It is a MARATHON-not a SPRINT. You will need to be as prepared as possible-body/mind/soul. Look upon this extra time as a blessing, if you can.

Post often..ask questions..scream when you need to..we have tough ears!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Emily F.
on 3/11/12 9:26 am
Work closely with your psych, work the program and it will be time before you know it.
kerry D.
on 3/13/12 5:21 am - Cambridge, MA
Jackie is right. I don't hear any unrealistic expectations, quite the opposite.  And yes look at it as you have an extra year to get your **** together.  If you really use this time wisely with your mental health now, by the time you have surgery you will be ahead of the curve for those who don't have this issue.  Not nec. a bad thing, imho.
on 3/13/12 6:01 am - MA
 Thanks for the words of wisdom.
on 3/14/12 12:02 am, edited 3/14/12 12:03 am - St. Ignace, MI
RNY on 01/03/12
Find another surgeon! I was told same thing - that I had to get through another year without depression then I could be reconsidered. I have been Bipolar all my life and never get through a year without depression no matter how well I am doing (you probably are the same way). I told the pdoc this and she seemed to blow me off. So I cried for a day and picked myself upand said I need to find someone who will help me or I will be physically unhealthy my whole life, which as you know, makes depression so much worse. I started researching hospitals and surgeons and found Dr. Baker. Not only did they understand but they really cared about me and wanted to do everything to help.
So DO NOT ACCEPT THIS! If you feel you are ready for this lifestyle change and are ready to take on its many challenges (and your pdoc is ready to help), PLEASE don't let this stop you from getting help!
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