hi ladies who know more then me please help

loretta cowels
on 4/22/12 10:01 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
Ok first tomorrow will be one week. Besides this awfull gas shoulder pain im doing good. But
but i feel like i need to be doing something from the time i get up till ready for bed. Dont know if its energy or just me excited about finally having a chance to be at a normal weight. Exsample this morning i got up made me a protien shake alex a baby fake protien shake hes got to be like mom lol. went for a walk. cleaned the kennel sawed a few boards and nailed them up. I know weird stuff but it was bugging me just want to do stuff out side . To early and cold for garden. I keep getting yelled at by family they think im over doing things but i feel like this is my new life. And ive been cooking more not eating but cooking i hated to cook but since my pre op diet this has been my help to know yes i can cook and not pig out on junk. The other thing is im worried im not eating enough but if i do eat im taking in to much at once i just want to do it all right. Like i had some soup witch doctor said i could have and i ate {drank a half or just under half is this to much. and the protien shakes by time i put ice in and milk its like almost 12 oz. is this to much to Loretta
on 4/22/12 10:05 am
 The shoulder pain could be referred pain from gas.  It will pass.  Take it easy.
on 4/22/12 10:22 am
Jeez lady you are making me look bad.  When I have surgery I milk it for all it's worth.  I figure I should get at least 6 weeks of no cooking or housework.
Seriously, I know you feel good but it will catch up with you.  Take it easy and let others take care of you and do some of the chores.  You can over do it and do more harm then good.  You just had major surgery a week ago.  You can't see it but your stomach is one big wound that needs to heal and your job right now is to help it do that.  Get in your water and your protein and take it easy.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 4/22/12 1:42 pm
It's ok to be busy, but listen to your body. Don't force it. Rest, let your body heal. I understand the drive to make the most of your new life. But healing has to be your priority.

As far as your food. The pouch is like a funnel, so when you drink a protein shake or soup, it just flows through the pouch. Some new post ops struggle with fluids, and you see that posted on here, because they need support. Many, many new post ops have no issues at all getting in their fluids.

You are off to a great start, but this is a journey that never ends. Pace yourself.
MyLady Heidi
on 4/22/12 6:36 pm
 My doctor released me from the hospital and said go do whatever you want you can't mess up my surgery.  I walked alot and went out and did things, he didn't want his patients sitting around nursing it.  I was very careful but didn't baby myself and I think it helped to recover quickly.  Walking helps clear that gas too.
Tammy H.
on 4/22/12 11:16 pm - Greenville, OH
 Is the pain in your left shoulder? My surgeon told me that if I ever had pain in my left shoulder to contact him ASP...Not because of a possible heart attack but something to do with my RNY surgery...Its been so long ago that I dont remember the reason...Perhaps to be on the safe side, you should call your surgeons office and talk to them about it.

Your family is just concerned and worried about you which is normal...Just dont over do yourself...You know what your body can deal with, but sometimes it catches up a few days later, then you might pay for it...Continue to eat as your surgeon/nutritionist recommends, and you will do just fine.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

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