am i eating to much

loretta cowels
on 4/29/12 6:16 pm, edited 4/29/12 6:17 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I am still on my liquid stage had my rny on the 16 of april how much weight should i be losing. I feel like its not coming off quickly like people say, Been exersizing im down from 297 before surgery to 173 now does this sound normal. I feel good if i weigh my self in the mornings but the afternoons ill be back up a couple lbs seem to be stuck a little at this weight. Am i drinking to many shakes to much soup. Loretta
on 4/29/12 8:21 pm
1.  There is no way you are eating/drinking too many calories at this stage. 

2.  I bet you meant to say you now weigh 273?  not 173?  Cuz if you went from 297 to 173 then yeah that is way too much to lose in 2 weeks, if not impossible.

3.  Our bodies weigh differently during the day, day to day, week to week.  GET OFF THE SCALE! It is obviously driving you nuts.     Vow to not get on it except for weigh in on Monday morning. 

Good luck!

on 4/29/12 8:32 pm - Raleigh, NC
Hey Loretta
First off, RELAX!! You're doing exactly what you should be at this stage. I'm going to assume that the 173 was meant to be 273, unless you've lost 124 Lbs since April 16th. Frankly, a 24 Lb loss is much healthier than a 124 Lb loss after 2 weeks. Please try to remember that WLS is only a tool that will assist you in losing weight. Have patience. Your weight will almost always go up by a few Lbs by the end of the day. Just keep following the plan your nutritionist and surgeon gave you, and maybe stay off the scale for a few days. 

RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



loretta cowels
on 4/29/12 8:59 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
ya i ment 273 lol sorry. Its just so frustrating i try to stay off the scale but ive been working so hard i cant help my self been very active since surgery. walking , tredmill , and even a little weight training. I want this so bad that its driving me crazy. Loretta
on 4/29/12 10:43 pm - Lake Zurich, IL
So a 14 pound loss in 2 weeks is a pound a day. That's 7 pounds per week and is considered a FAST loss!

You're doing great, and I second the other responders: if the scale is making you nuts, hide it or throw it out!

Also it is perfectly normal for anyone - WLSer or not - to gain a couple pounds during the day as they consume foods and liquids. The body can't process it that fast, so you will be slightly higher at the end than in the morning.

Don't sweat it (I know - easier said than done, but try!).
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski

Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!
Height 5' 5".  Start point 254.  DH's goal: 154.  My guess: 144.  Insurance goal: 134.  Currently bouncing around 130-135.
on 4/30/12 12:37 am - NM
Your doing great Loretta.  You need to chillax and let your body do its thing.

Keep up the water intake and DO NOT WEIGH IN THE AM AND THEN AGAIN IN THE PM.

You will always weigh more in the PM because you have been eating all day.  In the AM your body has been fasting for around 6-10 hrs.  Pick a day of the week and weigh in the AM and NO OTHER TIME.

You are doing wonderful.  Keep coming in here if you have questions.  Best place in the world for answers. 

You didn't say which surgery you had.  Weight comes off different for everybody and for every surgery
Mary Catherine
on 4/30/12 2:09 am
 If you were watching your daughter learn to walk, you would want to see every attemp****ch every fall and watch her get up and try again.  It might seem easier to just not look for a few weeks and let her learn by herself, but a mother wants to remember the entire expericence.  

That is wha****ching my weight loss felt like to me.  I got on the scale every chance I could.  I sometimes was not happy to see it go up, but it was so great to see it go down again.  I am glad I experienced that part of the process.

During the next year you will lose about 100 pounds.  You will need to continue with your diet and exercise until you get to goal and for as long as you want to maintain your weight loss.  The scale is the thing that can give you the most feedback on your journey.  I still weigh daily and sometimes many times a day.  I would not be at my goal weight if I ignored the scale.  That would put me into denial.

Here is what to expect this year.

Average weight loss after surgery is 100 pounds in one year

Month 1 – 20 pounds

Month 2-6 – 10 pounds

Month 7-12 – 5 pounds

on 4/30/12 2:17 am - Phillips, WI
Loretta, I had RNY on 4/11 and have lost about 24 pounds now, so it sounds like you are right in line with my weight loss; I assume we are doing well. Keep up the good work!

on 5/1/12 8:15 am - Canada
My surgery was on feb 27 and so far i lost 41 pounds. My doctor tall me its better to loose slow than too fast so your skin keep some elasticity. Dont worry everything will come off when the body will be ready.
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