??? tomorrow i start soft solids

loretta cowels
on 5/6/12 9:54 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
Im worried when i start this stage ill slow on my losing. Or worse stretch my stomach. If im eating tuna how much and an egg can i eat a whole one or is that to much. and im so confused when i go to the store youve got low fat or light and i know some times light has 10 more calories but witch one should i be using. Ive been buying low fat. But if i want say a little ranch should i go with light or low fat.
on 5/6/12 11:32 am - OH
You're making things more complicated than they need to be.  Lots of us did that in the beginning.

Did your surgeon or dietician tell you about portion sizes?  Usually when you start soft foods, it should be about 1/4 cup at a time.  Just for food, you can drink more than that at a time.  If you feel full or uncomfortable before you get 1/4 cup in, then stop.  But if you eat 1/4 cup and you don't feel full, that does not mean you should eat more.  The nerves in your stomach having healed yet so you might not get a full feeling for a while.

What I do is go with low fat stuff most of the time.  I wouldn't worry much about which one has ten calories more.  Ten calories is not going to make or break your weight loss success, I promise.  Lots of fat might upset your stomach, though.  But if you are preparing, say, 1/4 cup of tuna with mayo, even if you use full fat mayo, how much fat will you really be getting in the little bit of mayo you put in that little bit of tuna?  Probably not enough to matter.  And we actually do need some fats in our diet.

Eating soft foods won't slow down your weight loss.  Now, weight loss slows down sometimes.  It's supposed to work like that.  You can't lose huge amounts every week.  But the food isn't causing it to slow down.  And if you eat the amounts you've been directed to eat, you won't stretch your stomach.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 5/7/12 1:56 pm - NY
 Hi...my nutritionist gave me sample menu for each stage of eating after surgery whi*****ludes portion etc. I am on day 13 and at day 15 I can finally have oatmeal, banana...soft boil egg and the likes. If you want a copy for reference purposes send me your email addy and I will scan and send to you...or maybe ur NUT have a sample of the same can give u. Without this I would be lost.
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