Bariatric Surgeon Search

Ruth S.
on 7/2/12 2:13 am - Orlando, FL
 Hi, I've been trying to locate a new doctor on this site to see if he's listed, but everytime I click on the "find a bariatric surgeon" it says there is an "internal error".  Is this temporary?? Thank you!
Ruth S.
on 7/2/12 3:38 am, edited 7/2/12 3:39 am - IA
The site has had a lot of issues the last couple of days, so I am not surprised.  I would keep trying.

In fact I just tried and it worked fine, so try again.  I will say when I put my zip code in, only 2 surgeons showed up.  My surgeon did NOT show up, and he and his group is the only Center of Excellence in our area.  I guess what I am saying is you may want to try another source to find a surgeon because this one doesn't cover all. 

I just tried it again, and my doctor did show up this time.  So apparently the site is still having issues.

Ruth S.
on 7/2/12 10:38 am - Orlando, FL
 Thank you!!!
Ruth S.
on 7/2/12 11:30 am - NY
I would go to the website for the best hospital in your area and search bariatric surgeons there. When I did a web search my surgeon showed up. Then I asked questions here and a few people knew him.

Another good thing is to search all local hospitals too see if they have weight loss surgery programs. They have informational seminars too that you can attend. 

Its a good start. I'm still in the pre-op process.  

This is a great forum!

Good luck!

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