5 Day Pouch Test - Who has done this before?

on 2/19/13 1:40 am - Santa Cruz, CA

I am attempting the 5 day pouch test. I woke up this morning weighed myself and said "That's it. I am done with gaining more weight and not using this tool I worked so hard to get". I am sipping on a protein shake right now. So frustrated with my body, with my cravings and so many other things.

Has anyone done this before? How did it work out for you? Did it help get you back on track. So sick of my weight being a struggle. I guess that will never go away, but I sure don't make it better by eating slider foods!!





on 2/19/13 2:10 am

What is this pouch test?


......................KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.................

Waiting for surgery date. HW 275




Kathleen W.
on 2/19/13 10:39 am - Lancaster, PA

if you go to www.5daypouchtest.com  it will give you all the information on how to do it.  Some people think it's a glorified fad diet and others go on it every so often to curb the carbs.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


on 2/19/13 4:11 am

So many thoughts on this.  Some people consider it a fad diet and never recommend it.  Others do it multiple time to try to get back on track and others have used it (including me) to get back in the right frame of mind of recognizing hunger and the fullness sensation.

I had good luck with it and should I feel the need to do it again I will.  As for losing weight with it, I lost a couple of lbs but it wasn't my intent to lose a bunch of weight on it.  It did help me refocus on timing my meals, recognizing being satisfied vs. feeling full.

Good luck on getting back on track!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 2/19/13 4:48 am - kihei, HI

I had good luck with it also and it really gets me detoxed from carbs plus you drop a few lbs in the process which is motivating.

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