on 6/25/13 2:01 am - Ferndale, MI

i just returned from my initial consultation with my doctor, according to my insurance i have to document a diet and exercise plan for 12 months BEFORE they will approve surgery. i was so ready to get the ball rolling, not i'm really discouraged. did any of you encounter this with your insurance company and did you wait the 12 months? not happy.  :(

on 6/25/13 2:29 am

But can't you document that already started this a year ago?  I mean - is there any paper trail whatsoever that you've been trying.  Yeah, I had to give a history of my weight loss attempts - I basically just listed the different diets I was on - that I had been to Weigh****chers - the crap diet pills I bought over the counter, etc.    I'd give the insurance company a call and get clarification, NOW!

on 6/25/13 3:15 am - Ferndale, MI
Thanks for your reply, Sandie!
on 6/25/13 3:05 am - WV

I had to wait the 12 months and do a dr supervised diet during that time. That meant monthly visits to my primary doctor and I had to lose 10% of my body weight. When I found that out I wanted to give up, I had already tried a few years earlier for the surgery but my then wouldn't cover it. A year seemed like such a long time. I found that out in October of 2011 and after talking to my brother (who had WLS surgery 2 years prior) and getting through the holiday season that year I decided that the year was going to come no matter what and if I didn't start this now then in a year I would be looking back so mad that it could have been over by now. So in January 2012 I had my first visit with the dr to start my year diet. it was a very up and down year for me but I made it through and lost 40 pounds. I sailed through the other requirements like the evaluation because they saw how long I had been working on this. I completed the diet in January 2013 and everything was sent to insurance in March. It took 6 weeks for the insurance to decide (that felt longer than the year!) but I was approved. I just had my surgery on the 20th of June and I am so happy with my decision to do that year. No matter how frustrating it was during that time it is worth it now because it is over!

Keep positive and go for it! The year will come no matter what 

HW- 405 (January 2011)

6/20/13 Surgery Day-374




on 6/25/13 3:14 am - Ferndale, MI
Thanks, Tracy, I am going to do the 12 month diet with the hopes of WLS at the end of the tunnel because I really want to start doing the things on my bucket list!

on 6/25/13 8:45 am

Yes, it does suck, but you can put this wait-time to good use by using it to fully research ALL FOUR forms of WLS, so that you can make a truly informed decision about which one's best for you. You can learn about nutrition, about vitamin and mineral supplements, about what to expect after surgery, etc. Start trying to eat better, exercise, start taking vitamins, etc.

on 6/25/13 4:02 am - IL

Yes, it sucks something awful.  It took me nine months to get through from start to finish.  But I hope it goes fast for you.  Nothing could have been worse, I really feel for ya.

Member Services
on 6/25/13 4:04 am - Irvine, CA

While that seems like a long time, try and use this time to get it right between the ears before you re-arrange your plumbing. The more you learn and practice changing your life the better chance you will have to not only lose the weight but keep it off.  Think of this as a trail run. Be sure and find a support group during this time, it will help greatly.


Member Services

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/25/13 4:25 am

well... at least your insurance covers that.. mine did not. I had to pay cash for it.  12 months will pass.. you can use that time to get healthier, learn about you and start counseling.   Think positive.. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/25/13 5:56 am - Ferndale, MI

is it too soon to start counseling in preparation for the surgery? i do have some psych evaluation that needs to be completed by a therapist but i thought i should wait until closer to the surgery date. no?

thanks everyone for your responses.

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