Still Learning

Angela B.
on 8/14/13 3:09 am - Austin, IN

I’m trying to learn how to deal with feeling hungry.  My normal response is a bit of panic.  I think I need to eat RIGHT NOW!  But for the past few days when I feel hungry I’ve been telling myself “It’s just a little discomfort.  I’m not going to starve to death if I wait an hour or two until my next SCHEDULED meal or snack.”  And I tell myself “Remember that by sticking to your plan you are burning more calories than you are taking in and that means weight loss!”  The self-talk is helping.  Also, when I give thanks before I eat, I’ve been adding a little extra prayer… asking God to help me overcome my issues and obsession with food.  I’m almost 5 years post RNY.  Weight loss/maintenance is surely a journey, not a destination.


Early Morning:  2 cups coffee w/SF hazelnut creamer

B:  Quest protein bar

S:  none

L:  Unjury Protein Shake, ½ c mixed fruit in 100% juice

S:  Unjury Protein Shake

D:  Salad w/turkey breast

S:  Kettle corn, 3 c popped

TOTALS:   1220 calories, 103g Protein 

WEIGHT:  Pre-Op: 302, Current: 185, Goal: 165  (Height:  5’ 7”)

Member Services
on 8/14/13 3:23 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Angela,

Congratulations on your surgery!  It's a learning curve and one of the biggest hurdles is learning the difference between actual hunger and head hunger.

Here is a link with posts from other members discussing the subject. We hope this helps you. Please keep us posted on your progress.,search_oh/?q=head+h unger&cx=000946886326336472648%3Ae-vpeg4uyxw&cof=FORID%3A9


on 8/14/13 6:08 am - Vancouver, WA

I have to use self talk too, with a lung disease I get scared I can' breathe and have to talk myself down so I understand and it can be very helpful. I also learned it is OK to feel hungry for awhile, I won't die! Looking at your menu I think if I were you I would add more dense protein and fewer shakes. The liquids just don't stay with us long enough like the dense protein does. You could have 2 hard boiled eggs for the number of calories in a shake and it would be more filling. Also I stay away from fruit for the most part because it is basically all sugar, unless you really need the fiber. Maybe add more fibery veggies that don't have the high sugar content that causes carb cravings for me. I realize I have had a different surgery but had taken all the classes for RNY before I had to have the band instead. We were told to try to stick with dense protein as often as possible and no shakes after the first 6 mos. but that varies with surgeons. Basically dense protein will always stay with us longer than a fluid. Good luck on your journey, it is life long!

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