needing to get back on track

Janet H.
on 8/30/16 6:29 am - Golden Valley, AZ

Hello everyone, My name is Janet,  58 yrs, mother of 3 grandmother of 15, I had RNY Oct. 30,2007 started weight was 375 lbs., Lowest  weight  was 165 lbs. current weight 265 lbs.

I have lost my way, I am here to get some support and find my way again.  I have had not problems with the surgery until this year, My protein levels is low as well as  my Iron. would like to find others that have had regains.  I

on 8/30/16 6:48 am
VSG on 08/01/16

You are definitely in the right place! I'm a newbie so I don't have advice to give but you will get plenty from the vets. Also, up at the top right of the screen there is a search function. You can type in "regain" or any thing you want and you will see all the past posts about that topic.

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



(deactivated member)
on 8/30/16 8:26 am - CA

Welcome, Janet! 

You have definitely come to the right place.   There are several members who have experienced regain and I am sure they will share their journey with you.   

I had surgery in 2001 and am working to get my regain off.   In doing so, I have made it a habit to plan all my meals and to track all of my foods.   It has helped me tremendously, so far.   I eat dense proteins and non starchy veggies for the most part.  I do some carbs, but rarely simple ones and if I do, its few and far between.   

I also have very low Iron along with a few other deficiencies.  I started using the Iron vitamin Patch by PatchMD and so far it does seem to be working.  I use all their patches for my vitamin needs.   You might look into them.   

To get a better understanding of your meals, what are you typically eating on a daily basis?


Janet H.
on 9/1/16 6:32 am - Golden Valley, AZ

Hello Nik,

I have a grazing problem, I do good in the morning, drink my coffee, then will eat a small breakfast, egg, toast, or oatmeal, or breakfast sandwich, then about two hrs, later I am looking for something to eat, Note, I am not feeling hungry, I will continue this habit the rest of the day, eat dinner, by then cant eat too much, Now getting ready for bed, I will eat 1/2 PBJ sandwich with 1 cup milk, go to bed, two hrs, later up looking for food, milk and this continue the rest of the night. I really need to STOP EATTING. I don't know how to stop, we moved here to AZ. two yrs, ago to care for my mother, left my children and grandchildren back in WI. which I miss so much, I don't work out side the home, I am in pain most if not the entire day, it hurts to move, I take a lot of pain meds, which makes me tired, we got a pool thought I would love to get in it daily for exercise, right, too much work.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



(deactivated member)
on 9/1/16 7:03 am - CA

Janet, I can so relate.   You are eating a good bit of carbs, so you need to ditch those and eat protein (eggs, turkey sausage) and I bet you won't graze two hours later.  It works for me and I know a lot of other members too.  Eating simple carbs, just causes us to eat more. So focus on the protein at all meals!  

Good luck! 


Janet H.
on 9/1/16 7:57 am - Golden Valley, AZ

Yes Yes the evil carbs, my love, along with sweets,

this morning I am having a protein drink, this should give me a felling of fullness for a few hours, thanks for you replies

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



(deactivated member)
on 9/1/16 8:11 am - CA

Janet, protein drinks won't keep you satisfied this far out.   Try a few breakfasts with high protein.  


Two scrambled eggs, one turkey sausage and top with homemade salsa or low sugar store bought.   

Breakfast muffins or mini baked omelettes  (Eggs whipped up and baked in a muffin tin you can put cheese and veggies or turkey sausage in these as well) 

Make a Fritatta with spinach, low fat cheese and mushrooms (add turkey sausage to increase protein)   

I sometimes do not eat breakfast for breakfast, I do whatever I feel like eating, as long as it is high protein.   Today, I am having egg roll in a bowl.  ;)  


on 8/30/16 10:00 am - Granada Hills, CA

Welcome. I have plenty of experience with regain - lost a total of 230, regained 90 and down 70 of those 90. It took a huge major major life change - I had to change spiritually emotionally and physically in order to get the regain off. I have so many things and reasons why I eat and I have to deal with each of them to keep myself from eating over it. 

I chose to work a 12 step program through Overeaters anonymous to deal with my issues. Life changing in miraculous ways. I choose to completely abstain from added sugar and flour and personal binge items. I eat on a firm schedule 3 meals and 2 snacks and do not touch food any other time. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 8/31/16 8:24 am - LA

I am in the same boat as you. I had my surgery 5 years ago and I am gaining weight. Just in the last year I have slowly started gaining. It makes me so upset that I can't control what I eat. What was the eye opener is when I went see my doctor for a check up and she tells me I'm over weight. For years I fought with my weight. I know to some it may not seem bad but I just can't get back to where I was. And by the way its going I will be there before I know it if I don't do something now. You are on the right track start today if you fail then start tomorrow. Each day trying is better than a day of not trying. My doctor did prescribe me adipex to control my hunger. It works but I know its not good for me. I also have low iron. I've been taking extra iron for the last 3 years. Make sure you take your vitamins. Good luck. 





Janet H.
on 9/1/16 6:44 am - Golden Valley, AZ

I believe that when you go under the knife to reroute you inters, you need to have you brain rerouted as well, since your eating problems are started there, not our tummy. you  said that you take Adipex, does it really work to stop the grazing? if so I am going to check into it. does insurance cover it?

what Iron do you take, Mine is over the counter liquid and taste really bad, it makes it hard to keep on it, I do know I feel better when I take it.


      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



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