Looking for memorial page?

on 6/11/05 11:44 am - Middleport, NY
Hi! Iam Looking for Memorial message board? I'M doing research on what wls I will choose. I was told I might get some direction from here. This is such an important descision any help would be very welcomed. Thankyou (Kathleen)
on 6/11/05 12:54 pm - Murfreesboro, TN
sue C.
on 6/19/05 8:54 am - houston, TX
whats a memorial page?
just jenni
on 7/11/05 10:09 am - Gateway to the Redwoods, CA
something that us preops shouldnt read which i just did and made me cry. But I'm still ready and my heart goes out to all the families of those on the memorial page. Jenni
on 7/21/05 6:00 pm - NY
VSG on 11/14/12
Okay Jenni you are very right i so should not be reading that because i don't want to have any second thoughts about this surgery...but being the curious person i am i opened it and began reading... BIG MISTAKE! a strong word of caution...i advise anyone who thinks they may react badly to reading about members who have passed...Don't read that page...i should have listened to my insticts...but i also am still ready. i feel for the families as well..very sad..but i'm still sticking w/ this. it seems alot of the people on that page had the surgery a few years back...things have been perfected alot over that time...in my opinion it is safer now... Robin

on 7/12/05 3:18 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Can you tell me where you found it.I would like to read it as well.Thank You.
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