Week 1 of getting back on track

2fun 2quit
on 1/9/12 9:24 am - Saint Paul, MN
Weighed in today and I am down 1.5 lbs.  I know it may not seem like alot but that's ok with me because I expected a very small loss this past week. My accomplishment for last week was met and that was to get my butt moving in some form of exercise and I did that:
Mon: Walkout (30 minutes on the treadmill)
Tues: Line dance class (60 minutes of dancing..yeah you sweat)
Wed: Walkout (30 minutes on the treadmill)
Thurs: Water Aerobics 60 minutes
Friday: Mall walking and dancing

Food intake wasn't as good as it can be... but this is a new week and GAME ON!

I hope you all were victorious in your past week and remember to count the small steps on the way to your accomplishment because they count also! 


MSW will not settle
on 1/10/12 12:31 am
Awesome!    I'm so glad you're posting your struggles.  We need to see out challenges and recoveries not just weight loss success. 

I would kill to loose 1.5 lbs in one week.  Even as an rny newbie and working out like there was big money waiting at the end of my routine I could not loose like that. 
Don't sell yourself short.  This was a fantastic week for you. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/10/12 2:40 am
I am so PROUD of you and the rfforts you are making towards reclaiming your good health!........Great job!  1.5 pounds is a huge step in the right direction.  Don't be discouraged by the low number.  Just keep at it and you will continue to ge desired results.  Are you also getting in vitamins and protein?  How's your hydration?  Getting in enough water?  That's always my struggle.  I'm forever missing that mark and end up paying for it with constant constipation..(I know WTMI)...:-)

Try eating small meals, and (DRINKING protein) every couple of hours.  You'd be surprised how your appetite can be curbed by feeding your body small amounts (of the right foods...protein) often.

Good re-start!!

2fun 2quit
on 1/10/12 8:03 am - Saint Paul, MN
Thank you for the words of encouragement!  I am definately gonna work this til the end...


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