Summer in Ga and tick bites with the DS??

on 5/20/11 12:36 am
Here in Ga we are starting out the summer with major tick activity.... I already have 5 tick bites on my side... I am just wondering I know that our vit. levels are already low but I am wondering is my immunity effected and will it cause me to be more apt to develop Lyme's disease or is it even a concern other than a "normal" person and their likelihood of getting it? I am just worried that I am predisposed to be more susceptible....


Denise T.
My Angel is MAJORMOM!!!

 MY DS!!!!
I see stupid people everywhere!!!
Elizabeth N.
on 5/20/11 12:57 am - Burlington County, NJ
I dunno. I've had my share of NJ tick bites since my DS, and here it is pretty much standard protocol to test for Lyme disease. I've been negative every time.

My general experience is that my overall resistance/immunity response is a LOT better since I had the DS. Of course, I make darned sure my vitamin levels don't GET low, and the couple that give me issues (A and D) get treated very aggressively. If you are keeping your nutrition status excellent and getting lab work done regularly, there is no reason to assume low vitamin levels.

on 5/20/11 1:09 am
I have noticed that while everyone around me was sick this winter and this Spring.... ( BTW I had 8 people in my house I was taking care of due to the nasty flu bug and it lasted and I was exposed for 2 weeks or so and never had a sniff) I have remained cold free.... It is strange if I start feeling bad it only last for a day at most and it is mainly just the sore throat and then it is gone...

I guess I was just worrying from the 5 bites at one time!! how are your NJ ticks mine are tiny and HUNGRY!!!!


Denise T.
My Angel is MAJORMOM!!!

 MY DS!!!!
I see stupid people everywhere!!!
Elizabeth N.
on 5/20/11 1:11 am - Burlington County, NJ
They haven't been very aggressive yet. I've hardly been outside at all because I've been glued to the computer and the textbooks for school, but I have yet to find any on the dogs. I consider that a good sign cuz last year they were getting them despite using the newest repellent/preventive (Revolution, I think it's called).

If I got five bites at once, living in NJ where Lyme is epidemic, I'd head to the doc for a blood test.

on 5/20/11 3:02 am
I took the summer off of school this year.. I needed a break, I have been going around the calender for 2 1/2 years... Good Luck!

Denise T.
My Angel is MAJORMOM!!!

 MY DS!!!!
I see stupid people everywhere!!!
Elizabeth N.
on 5/20/11 12:04 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Oh man! No summer school for me, partly because I have no financial aid available for summer courses, but I also need my time off..

on 5/20/11 10:17 pm
 Hey Denise,
     the ticks are bad up here in Tennessee as well. I have already pulled over a dozen off me. We have a deer highway  across my yard, looks like I gotta go find where they bed and treat their bedding area for ticks to get relief.  
               You can deter ticks two ways. take garlic capsules and use an external repellant.  two good ones to use are tea tree oil, and lemon grass... there are several  formula's for making your own  insect repellant  on the net...but you can use the  tea tree oil on your socks... and they won't crawl up your legs. Be sure to treat all areas you can...I use sevin outside, but haven't been able to put it out here yet...trying to do it this week.   I already have had Lyme, since I was 24 or isn't a party, so get something going so you don't get remains dormant and can flare for the rest of your life...
      I have not found any connection with that and vitamins....  Any ticks you do get should be oiled, so they release on their own...the docs say  you won't get lime unless they are on  for two days...but don't believe that garbage...because I have it.  Denise
on 5/20/11 10:18 pm
 You can also put the tea tree oil on the dogs and on cats, but put it in an area where they can't lick, like behind the head on the neck. It really does help. Denise
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