Emotional Roller Coaster

on 8/14/06 11:22 pm - Burnsville, MN
Ok, I am having the hardest time with my emotions lately. I take everything too personally and I have the worst anxiety. My boyfriend has been very understanding up to this point but I keep over-reacting to everything and I'm finding myself pushing him away. I love him so much but I know I'm going to lose him over all of this. Last night I told him I need space to figure myself out but I don't want the space, I just want things back to how they used to be. I made an appointment to see a nut but I cancelled it because of money. I think it's too late and weren't not going to be able to make it work. Any words of widsom? Is this normal and if so how long does it last.
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/06 2:55 am - Conyers, GA
Hi Tanya!! I'm three+ years post op, but I can relate to your emotional roller coaster as if I were just on it yesterday! I had the exact same problems you described - one minute I was fine, the next I was crying (usually for no reason!) and then I would be back on a natural high again with no explanation whatsoever for the mood swings! It was totally bizarre behavior for me because I'm generally a happy person most all the time. I called my Dr.'s office and spoke to the nurse.... and wow did I feel better afterwards! She told me that one thing we have to remember is that (as women), hormones are stored in fat cells, so as those fat cells are going "away", there isn't anywhere for the hormones to run screaming and crying! Unfortunately, the end result is that our friends and family take the brunt of our emotions in those early times following surgery! Another thing to keep in mind is that you have just "lost" one of your closest friends, food. That is emotional enough as it is, and it certainly takes us a little while to process that reality. Physically we may feel like we are fine without it, especially in the months following surgery, but we were operated on our body, not our minds, so it takes a while for everything to "catch up"! Fear not, sweetie.... things WILL get better! Just give yourself some time, TALK to your boyfriend about your feelings and explain to him that this is what could be happening to you. He was supportive of your surgery choice, yes? If so, he needs to remember that he must be supportive in your recovery as well. Include him in your healing process so that he can understand your emotional crisis a little better! My hubby suffered through it with me and knowing there was a reason for it made it a lot better to deal with! Hang in there!! You will be just fine! Hugs to you! Kristi
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