Goal Setting When You Can't Know How You'll Feel

on 7/19/12 2:42 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hello All,

I'm Lisa and I was in the best health of my life four years ago when I contracted Lyme Disease.  It wasn't diagnosed till nine months later and had dug in deep.  It's chronic now and I am still fighting it with antibiotics.  From this has come Fibromyalgia, as well as joint and nerve pain (recently diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy), as well as myriad other issues.

I'm looking for exercise advice, please.  I cannot figure out how to set attainable goals I can feel good about.  Some days I grab my cane and walk, despite the pain, and feel wonderful about the achievement.  Other days, I need extra pain meds just to sit on the couch and watch tv.  I used to set goals of increasing my distance or speed over time.  That doesn't quite work now.  I can't set goals that will have me feeling like a loser on those really bad pain days...that will just make everything worse.

I'm sure others have faced this and I'm hoping some of you have ideas you can share.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


on 7/20/12 11:40 am - Vancouver, WA
I don't know howe others do it but I stopped setting goeals to achieve a certain thing because it was just too discouraging when I couldn't do it. Now I just have a basic plan and when I can do it, it's a bonus day and if not well I'll see what tommorow brings. One of the biggest challenges with fobro is having to change our mindset. We have to accept that not everyday is not gonna cooperate with us. One day at a time is the only way I can go.
on 7/22/12 7:24 am
RNY on 05/07/12
 This comes from a person who use to cross country ski 20 years ago and now I use a walker.  I am the one with the above condition, PMR but symptoms are very similar to Fibro.  Now you have these other conditions to deal with.  I know exactly where you are at with some days the pain is so bad you have to take extra meds just to sit and watch TV, known as break through pain, when regular doses aren't working.  I take Nuerontin for the the nerve pain and it helps.  But this is something your Doctor may or not recommend. I feel for all on here, and unfortunately, not enough people post on here everyday,and I am needing to make sure I get on here everyday. I guess our best bet is to private message by saying, HEY, GET ON THE FIBRO PAGE!!!!!  Your goals have to be so short term, because one day you can do alot, next day you can't even get out of your chair.  I know the more I do the worse I feel and pay for it, but what else can I do?  I swim, which is the best exercise, no impact, but I still hurt after that.  Then winter comes and no more swimming even though I live in Southern California.  All we can do is be here to support each other, and if researching brings new ideas then we need to share them. 
No one can understand, naturally that don't live with pain, and how lucky for them.  The old saying, "If you have your health, you have everything" is true beyond words.  I do know one thing, the less we move the worse it gets, and yet you hurt so you don't want to move.  It's a catch 22.  My best wishes to you and all others.  Let's all keep posting!  I go to RNY forum everyday so I am on my laptop alot because I am not out running marathons that's for sure!!!   Jane

Missy A.
on 7/24/12 6:13 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
 Well said Jane!

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