In pain and so exhausted since surgery...

Missy A.
on 9/25/12 2:11 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
I am 5 1/2 weeks post op and down 20lbs since surgery. I went to see my pcp yesterday and my bp was a little on the high side of 133/96. So she put me back on bp meds . But what is worrying me more than that is the sheer exhaustion and pain I'm having from FM and CFS/ME. My doc did some labs to make sure the fatigue and exhaustion isn't caused by any vit deficiencies. The results come back this morning and all are normal, so she feels its a flare up. Yay me...NOT. She wants me to have a deep tissue massage for the FM pain and if you have ever had one of those, you know they just about kill you! At least they do me, it hurts so bad, really worse than the FM pain itself. So I don't know whether I should have one done now or wait until I'm in less pain. Any thoughts/suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

on 9/25/12 7:23 am - Vancouver, WA
Myself I wouldn't have my primary recommend fibro treagtments unless they are specialized in it. Deep tissue massage is the very last thing your want to do with fibro. Massage is good but you need someone who knows how to do myofascial massage to unknot the tissues the correct way. Does she give you anything for pain like a prescription pain med? That would be more helpful for a flare up. Try to find a good pain intervention clinic that knows how to treat fibro or sometimes rheumatologists are better equipped to treat fibro than a primary care doc. I wish I had better suggestions for you but that's about all I can tell you.
Missy A.
on 9/25/12 8:06 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
The massage therapist she wants me to see does specialize in myofascial massage. I've seen her before a few years ago, but it still hurts me when I have it done. My PCP does not give me any pain meds and ultram interfers with some other meds I take. I had been taking Neurontin for RLS & PLMD, but had recently stopped it because I didn't think it was helping with those disorders. However, it now seems that while it wasn't helping those, it definitely was keeping my FM pain at bay. So we just discussed going back on the Neurontin. Hopefully that will help me in the end.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

on 9/25/12 11:28 am - Vancouver, WA
Good to hear she does know what's up, so many don't and do more harm than good when it comes to fibro. I just started on neurontin myself for neuropathy in my feet and find it helps my fibro more than the narcotics do. I still have to take them for arthritis because my whole body is riddled with it. I know how it feels to just want to curl up in bed and stay there till the pain goes away, except I'd be there the rest of my life!
on 9/26/12 1:12 pm - Canada
Well I have FM and Lupus. I use heating pads or those microwave bean bad things for my neck, hot showers/ tubs, Tylenol 3, and SLEEP. You need sleep to heal. Oh and a black out night mask / earplugs. Tell the world to screw off for. Few days!
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