**Fibro and Skin Removal**

Jenn C.
on 11/24/12 1:06 pm - Naugatuck, CT
RNY on 10/21/13

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice holiday!

Anyways...I have a couple of questions....My mom had the gastric bypass in 2005 and is finally getting plastic surgery on 12/12 for her excess skin around her belly area. I'm very concerned for her because she has Fibromyalgia REALLY bad. She had to take an early retirement because it got so bad a few years ago. I'm worried about how her body is going to handle the pain, and just the whole procedure itself. Any bit of "excitement" and my mom is practically sick in bed. 

Has anyone on this board ever done this? I'm not sure if she's getting a tummy tuck or if there's a particular surgery for the skin removal. I'm assuming they are going to give my mom one of those pressure garments to help support the incision site(s). 

My poor mom has been thru some pretty bad surgeries so she is very familiar with the pain that will come from this, I'm sure. She didn't have the laparoscopic bypass and she also had a hysterectomy( a vertical incision), so I am assuming that this surgery will be similar to those, pain-wise. 

So, is there anything advice that anyone can give me that can help her that the doctors might not? I'm just a little nervous for her, I can't be there all the time , and her insurance will not cover to have a CNA be with her while my dad is at work. I am taking the 13th and 14th off to help her until he comes home. 

on 11/25/12 7:09 am - Vancouver, WA

Well your mom is very lucky to have a concerned daughter on her side! I haven't had that particular surgery but I have had several surgeries since having fibro and myself it hasn't been a problem with anything. Altho some people have had increased pain after surgery it usually settles down in a few weeks. If she has additional pain be sure to ask for more pain medication. It took me years to find out that when a Rx bottle has no refills on it, it just means you have to call the doctor to get another one but they are usually good about giving more. Your mom is probably used to living with a certain amount of pain, there are several drugs now just for fibro so if she isn't taking one of them have her see a rheumatologist or pain specialist about getting some. She will most likely be fine at home, they don't usually release you from the hospital until you can get around pretty good. If neither you or your dad can be with her maybe she has a friend that can stop in or maybe bring her a lunch. She will probably just want to sleep alot and rest up. Give her our best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.

Jenn C.
on 11/26/12 5:34 am - Naugatuck, CT
RNY on 10/21/13

Thanks for the reply! I was able to talk to my parents last night and fortunately my dad is able to take time off from work to be there for her for the first few days. Not sure what my mom is on now-I know she was taking Lyrica but it made her gain 30lbs and made her EVILcool​. Thankfully her rheumatologist is AWESOME and said for her to not hesitate to call him if she's having any issues. You're totally right about her having to live with constant pain, I just feel bad that she's gonna have to have 10x more BUT it will be worth it in the end. I'm excited for her! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/12 9:40 am - Musquash, NB, Canada
VSG on 10/02/12

Ask your mom to ask her doc about Cymbalta... I can't take Lyrica because I also have Lymphedema. So they gave me Cymbalta... for me... I also have arthritis and a degenerative spine... so I am in so much pain on a good day. Cymbalta has little effect on the pain... BUT and this is a big BUT... My moods have improved dramatically (no more raging, as I called it, yelling at people who **** me off in public, etc) and I get some much needed sleep. Maybe this can help her. And maybe... just maybe where Cymbalta failed on pain relief for me (because of my cir****tances) it may very well work for her.

As a Fibro sufferer, with kids who don't really care or try to understand (teenagers ARGH) I really appreciate what you are doing for your mom... and I am sure she does too, even if she does not mention it to you... just having someone care.. really REALLY means A LOT!!!


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