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on 9/11/09 1:10 am - Waukesha, WI
Topic: How are you all doing this week?
Hi all,

It's been sparce this week for messages on this board.  I hope that means that everyone is doing well.  Let's share.

Cathy Gott Lambie
on 9/10/09 8:31 pm - Loudon, NH
Topic: RE: Me on the WII
 I'm thinking about getting one.  What games do you play?

 Follow me on Facebook  Cathy Gott Lambie

Jackie F.
on 9/10/09 1:52 pm - Randolph, ME
Topic: RE: Narcotic addiction
Also doctors now days have to be very careful with what they prescribe. They have to have everything documented clearly that certifies you have a reason for the medicine or they can get in trouble.
Pain medicines are very much abused and if one gets a prescription for the right medication and didnt really need them, something like oxycontin would make them so much money they wouldnt even have to work. Here they go for approx $1.25 a pill, so that would be $25 for a 20, $50 for a 40, etc. Also there is a very high overdose rate here. My ex overdosed on methadone Nov of 2002 and I have lost many other friends from it as well, the most recent was actually this past Sunday night.

If youre taking it to feel euphoric then youve got a problem. If youre taking more because some days are just more painful than others then you dont. Either way if you go
Jackie F.
on 9/10/09 1:33 pm - Randolph, ME
Topic: RE: Narcotic addiction
Anyone taking a narcotic for an extended period of time becomes addicted. Theres no way you cant. Your body cant control being used to having something in your system and then not and having withdrawls. Its just the same as antidepressants.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, its not like youre faking your illness or youre buying them on the streets and using them recreationally. That makes you a junkie.
There is a HUGE difference between being physically dependant upon a drug due to health reasons than being dependant upon a drug for recreational reasons.
However, if youre starting to feel like you want to take them to get high youre starting to get a problem. They are to relieve your pain, and sometimes you may feel high from them but NEVER take more than prescribed unless its not helping with your pain and you feel that you have a tolerance and need to increase and that should also be approved by your doctor.
If you take more of your meds youre going to have to do one of 2 things, get sick if you are physically addicted because youre going to run out early or buy some on the street which depending upon where you live could put you in debt very quickly.
Where I live pain medication is extremely valuable and if people know that you have certain kinds (oxycontin, roxycodone, etc) Anything high in dosage, you can probably count on being robbed.
I was once a junkie myself, its been years now sober. Another weird thing is my friends were always jealous because I never ever got sick from not having any like they did. I could do it as I wanted for however long and just stop when I felt like it, which is what i did for about 6 years or so until I started getting very heavy medicaion fronted to me very cheap, then thats the first time I got physically addicted and hated it. Scared the crap out of me so I detoxed myself and moved out of state for a while. I just laid in bed with horrible diarrhea drinking water and taking ammodium AD til it passed. It was my own fault so I  did what I had to to get over it.
No looking bac****il after I had my bypass about 6 months later I ended up with gallstones and had to take percosets for the month before my surgery and 2 weeks after. I took them exactly as prescribed, no abuse. I used to do very hard drugs, even herion at one point way back in the day when I first started so percosets to me were basically a joke to me. I actually ended up getting physically addicted after a month and a half. I guess because my body had changed so much from how it was before. I instantly got on suboxone to withdraw myself because I was horrified I may start to go back down the path I ran so far away from and lose everything.

Ill publish this in the forum because I am not ashamed of anything. I admit to everything and it makes me who I am today and I am very thankful for who I am.
on 9/8/09 2:33 am
Topic: RE: Update

I'm really happy for you, great to hear something good :O). I just may talk to my Dr about this, thanks!

-200 Lbs
Live. Love. Laugh.

on 9/6/09 4:12 pm - AL
Topic: RE: new fibro patient...
Send me a PM if you are anywhere near Mobile, AL. My husband has been seeing the most wonderful doctor in Mobile. He's the no nonsense type, very frugal, and only runs all those extra tests if he absolutely has to. He will sit with you for over an hour and discuss each and every symptom, and he will draw out a plan to treat each of those symptoms. He's one of the smartest people I've ever been around.

My husband is actually being treated for Lyme's Disease, but I know that this doctor also treats Fibro. Dr's like this one don't come around often. My husband has been to all kinds of "specialists", but if you don't have "textbook" symptoms, they are not usually much help. After four months of treatment, my husband has had a real breakthrough in his symptoms. He has a new lease on life. He had given up because he did not feel like doing anything but laying on the sofa, and he's actually going Bass fishing in the morning (after spending the last few days mowing grass and cleaning up the yard). It's amazing the difference in him. This Dr.'s waiting room is full of people with encouraging stories. 
on 9/6/09 12:41 pm - UT
Topic: RE: Savella
I've been on Savella for about 2.5 months now.  It definitely helps me with the brain fog issue.  I feel like it has given me much of my clarity back!  :o)  My body went through this feeling of coming out of a full body charliehorse for the first week, then aches/sore, and now fairly controlled pain levels.  Thing is, it seems to be helping most with my sleep.  I don't wake up constantly feeling aches and crushing pains.  The only side effect that I seem to have is the hyper(whatever) that makes you sweat a lot/extensively.  If I slow down or stop for a few minutes, I seem to be able to get it under control though. 

The pain of my fibro was scary with the crushing feelings, but it was actually the fatigue and brain fog that sent me searching for what was wrong with me.... and that was a 15 year journey.  At least now I have some idea of what is going on and that in itself seems to help me feel a little better.

Best wishes to all of you and I hope you find things that work great for you!!!  Take care of yourselves.  :o)
Karil G.
on 9/6/09 3:36 am - IL
Topic: RE: Meds for Fibro
Thanks for the feedback.  I know it will not really help with the fibo, but i don't want it to make it worse.  Seriously, when i first took the Mobic, i thought it was a mircale, i was almost 100% pain free!  I thought to myself, if i had a choice between taking mobic and having wls, i would take mobic.  But then for some reason, all the pain, etc, came back, so now i can do without the mobic, if i have to to have WLS. 
When you take the guaifensin, you can't have anything with salicyc (sp) acid, and anything with plant extracts, so basically and creams, shampoos, lotions, toothpaste with mint, etc...and once you get all that out of your system, you start taking the "G" and your fibro gets worse, then better!  I am not sure, i feel like if it was really that much of a cure (by the way, the author does call it a cure for the disease). that more doctors and people would know about it.
Right now i take the cymbalta, mobic, and then tramadol in the evening, but my rheum is not wanting to give me the narcotics.  What is up with that?  i mean i can barely do anything!!!

oh, well, just wanted to rant for a bit, and say "thanks" for the responses :)

on 9/5/09 10:30 pm
Topic: RE: Update

It's so awesome when our drs. are concerned about us and our pain.  My Dr  at my pain clinic also boosted my patch up about 3 weeks ago, that's why I haven't been on the boards lately, I've been pain free so I'm taking advantage of it, GLAD to hear you are too!

Have a good 3 day weekend!

on 9/5/09 12:40 pm - Painted Post, NY
Topic: RE: WLS and FM
I have FM and getting ready to having WLS and can't wait!  The reason for my WLS is for the co-morbities excess weight causes, like high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc, etc I feel if the surgery can make it easier for me to walk around it is well worth it.  I find the longer you have Fibro the weaker you get simply by no being able to move around so much, so adding 20lbs of weight is a lot.  My WL surgeon told me it won't help the Fibro or pain but it will make moving around easier.  In addition to FM and being overweight I have Atrial Fibrilllation which is an electrial issue with your heart.  Dr's have no idea what causes it in some patient's.  But after I have WLS I will have a heart ablation to take care of the AFib and I should be good to go.  I will still suffer from FM but remember there is more to FM than just pain.  I suffer greatly from chronic insomnia, cognitative issue's, short term memory issue's etc.  Perhaps that will get better once I can get rid of my CPAP machine.  Wish me luck everyone!  I am new to the sight and the message boards and I am so glad I found you all!
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