workout dvd

on 3/29/11 4:15 am - Morehead, KY
 I am 4 years, 3 months out....have always hated exercise and haven't done any til lately.  I lost 120 lbs...lowest weight was 119...looked bad at that goal was 130...stayed under that until last summer....started creeping at 133...I know it's not alot above my goal but I am freaking out...I just started a week ago doing Leslie Sansone's walk 4 big miles dvd.  I love it....haven't missed a day yet of doing all 4 miles with toning.  The scales haven't moved though...getting long does it take to "kick in"?


Kim S.
on 3/29/11 7:04 am - Helena, AL
Put that scale away!  The purpose of exercise is for strength and health--not soley for weight loss.  It is good that you started exercising as it is a must for long term weight maintenance.  You are wise to be alert even after gaining just a few lbs.  THAT will keep you in check. 

For now, just weigh once a month.  You should also do some weight training to build muscle.

Best to you as you embark on a regular exercise plan!

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