Has anyone heard about leaking?

Lisa M.
on 7/1/04 11:29 am - Altoona, PA
Hi: I have another question for any of you nice folks that had the GBP. I was wondering if you worried about leaking. I was also curious to know if there is a way they check you to see if you are or not. Also, once they sew you up inside is it safe to say it will last for your entire life. IM talking about the leaking again. Could you leak down the road after surgery. if anyone knows I would appreicate your help!! Lisa
Denise P.
on 7/10/04 5:47 am - Kissimmee, FL
Hi, I was told by my doctor that after 19 days out you are home free from leaking. I would think it would last a life time.
on 10/17/04 6:47 am - Piedmont, AL
I actually had a leak but mine was right after surgery. I had a drain in place and they had to do the same swallow test that they usually do on patients to make sure I was healed up before removing the drain. I had the drain for 6 weeks. They can also do a CAT scan to check for fluid pockets. I have had no trouble since I got the drain out.
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