Struggling on the Liquid Diet! Help!

Cathy A
on 12/3/10 1:57 pm
My surgery date is Dec 16th - only 13 days away and I have started the pre-op liquid diet. Today is day 2.  I start out my days just fine.  I follow the plan, I feel empowered, I do so well.  Then, somewhere between 3pm and 6 pm (depending on if I am at home or at work) and I end up eating solid food.  A 2 handfuls of totilla chips and a slice of pumpkin bread is what I at yesterday and today.  I feel horrible afterwards (guilt), and I know this is a LIQUID diet, but I either get overwhelmingly hungry or I crave something crunchy.  So I end up giving in.  Yesterday it was worse, I ate more, so then I cut back on the calories I was suppose to take in for dinner. I am suppose to be on 1000 cals/day and I took in about 1200 yesterday.  I got on the scale today (because I wanted to see what damage I did yesterday) and I had lost 4 lbs in just the 1 day. I WANT to do this perfectly, but I am struggling and I don't know what to do.  I feel like if I can't even do the pre-op liquid diet, then how am I going to be sccuessful after my RNY?!  I was more conscious and aware today and stopped myself before I ate as much as I did yesterday, but I still gave in to the craving today too.  And while I may be having the cravings due to "that time of the month" being right around the corner, it's not an excuse - because I will still have it after the surgery too!

I just joined OH and am looking for some support! (Woo Hoo for me! :)  Any suggestions, tips, ideas, words of encouragement , etc. would be greatly appreciated!

on 12/4/10 12:09 am - Willingboro, NJ
When I had my original RNY on 11-14-2000 and when I had my revision on 01-21-05, both surgeons did not believe in pre-op diets.  They were apparently the exceptions to the rule.  I think you are putting too much pressure by trying to do things perfectly.  I can only look at your case through my very biased vision.  I am manic-depressive and if I rigidly try to be perfect, I usually become depressed and can easily scuttle whatever project I am trying to do.

I suggest that you post on the RNY Forum.  It gets more traffic than this forum without being as crazily fast as the Main Forum   At least if you post on the RNY Forum, you can follow the thread of the discussion that follows.
Whitney J.
on 3/8/11 2:26 am - CA
 I'm trying a liq. diet and am wondering if you can help me out as to what types of liquids to consume.
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