Food addiction

on 1/9/11 12:53 am
 Any other food addicts out there?  I am looking for others who struggle, not just with obesity but from food addiction.  I use a 12 step program as a tool to fight the addiction and I have had the surgery as a tool to help with obesity.  I am kind of using my blog on here as a journal and yet another tool to keep me on track.  I would love to hear from others like me and maybe start some support for each other.  Any interest?  
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/11 5:52 am - Winnipeg, Canada
I'm a food addict. Currently I'm attending a 12 week support group for those with eating issues. I have not had wls yet and was recently denied due to a my eating issues and a 2 Ibs gain.  I used to weigh 479 and now 399. I have made changes to my lifestyle and I try to be good to myself. Even with a 80Ibs loss I fell it wasn't not enough. But I know that is just stink'n think'n.  I would be very interested to have some thing started on OH as most do have struggles with food issues regardless if they have had wls or not. You can PM me if you like.

All the best
Donna R.
on 3/4/11 10:39 am - West Chester, Pa
Hi I has WLS 9 yrs ago and lost 120 pounds looked and felt great. Kept it off for 6 yrs and in the past 3 yrs gained 40 back. I am not gaining anymore the WLS is still tight I get that full feeling but then I want to eat again junk food in about an hour. WRONG. I cant have anything in the house at all no bread, sweets crackers just fresh fruit veggies and meat. I feel like a big fat looser I do walk just about every day with the dogs Help
donna r
on 1/14/11 7:42 pm - North Bay, Canada
RNY on 10/02/12
Denied due to eating issues?  Yike!  I'm so sorry for this.  I have been worried about being rejected because of my (addiction/emotional eating/lack of discipline/no self control/general lack of character) whatever we get to call it.
Did they say that you could try again after treatment?


(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 10:54 am - Winnipeg, Canada
If I finish the program and have not gained any more weight or stayed the same weight.  I go back in July for a reassessment.

on 1/17/11 2:57 am
I totally struggle with food addiction. Mine comes in waves. I may do well for a week and then it hits or I may do well for a few days. I have done well for months and then all of a sudden bam! I have had gastric bypass surgery, last July 2010. I started lossing December 2009 and now am down 100lbs. I now weigh 198 or 199lbs. I really want to to get to 160 or 170. Most of all I want to get the eating under control. What all are you doing to work on this yourself? I agree, I need support.
on 1/27/11 3:51 am
I have suffered from food addiction for years. I had lapband surgery 5 years ago and have gained back most of my weight. I believe it is due to not addressing the problem. I am curious what program are you using?
on 1/27/11 11:28 am
 I am so glad to hear from you all!  I currently am using a 12 step program.  because i have the disease of addiction, i go to a 12 step group that helps with addiction as a whole.  My addiction has broken out in drugs and alcohol and food.  Working the steps has helped a great deal in staying on task with my eating.  I know that i need 60 grams of protein in a day, less than 20 grams of fat a day, and as few carbs as i can manage.  With this in mind, I look at each item I think about putting in my mouth in terms of which need it will fill.  If it isnt one of my needs, i do not put it in.  Looking at food as fuel or as a bill to be paid has helped me with the obsession and compulsion with food.  I also am journaling.  When i used drugs, it was a maladaptive way to deal with life.  Life being my thoughts, feelings, relationships, whatever and everything.  Food is no different.  However, I can track it easier.  When i get a compulsion to eat, i can take a few minutes and write.  Usually i start off with whatever was going on for the last hour or so.  Soon, it became easier to identify my triggers.  Mine are mostly "feelings" related.  Besides working the 12 steps and journaling, i have a huge network of people i can talk with.  Im lucky because although many cannot understand my obsession with food, they can understand it in terms of food being another drug to me.  They can understand the addiction!  Please feel free to add me as a friend and to email or contact me.  We can recover!  We do recover!  
on 2/4/11 5:39 am - WV
I was really interested in your post, because,I, too, feel that I'm addicted to sweets. I don't say that as an excuse, I truly am afraid that I'm not going to be able to get thru it. I've always had weight problems, had rny 5/5/09,did really well,although I will be honest and say that I didn't follow all the rules.  I cut way back on the sweets, but still cheated, so I never did break my bad habit. I'm sooo afraid of once again gaining the weight back,and need alot of support. I know I'm can't do it alone,although I pray to God every day for help. I'm totally disgusted,frustrated,angry,sad, and alot of other bad feeling about myself. I start out my day really well, but it seems like I mess up before I even think about it. Or I know I'm doing wrong, feel all those emotions, and STILL I do it anyway!!! Did you get your 12 step program online or are you going to meetings? I sit and read blogs, stories,video,etc to try to get thru the day, and I fail!!! I tell myself I'm weak,and don't really want to conquer it bad enough...I just feel I'll never ever succeed fighting my addiction!
on 3/24/11 7:01 am - Rosholt, WI
Wow! Sounds like you are really getting a handle on this food addiction. I, too, suffer from a food addiction. I had the sleeve done in Dec. 2010 so I am about 3 months out. When I was preparing for this surgery, I started to learn what a hold that food has on my life. During the first month or so after surgery things were going good. I wasn't even hungry. Now it is getting really hard. I still am not hungry, but the compulsion to eat is soooo strong. I even wake up in the middle of the night with a very strong compulsion to get up and eat. I have resisted this as of so far, but it is hard. My mind is focused on food from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. I am always worried there is not enough food in the house. I run errands during the day and am worried about where I am going to stop to get something to eat, but I also worried about if it is going to be good for me, enough protein and low fat. I find I eat the same thing everyday because it is "safe" for me to eat these things. Would love to get involved in something online because I do not have a car all afternoon and evening and our town does not offer much of anything like this. Spending so much time alone also throws fuel to the fire. Have you ever thought of starting your own 12 step group online??
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