Please Help Me !!!!!!!

barbara B.
on 4/19/04 4:09 pm - virginia beach, VA
Hello Everyone, I need help. I had my surgery on 3-22-04. And I don't have a clue what to do. I really don't know what to eat or not eat. I still hurt at times. and here recently I have been throwing up. I really need someone to help me. My doctor is not supportive as I would like for him to be. In fact he did not give me any info on what to really do. My mouth stay dry all day. But when I drink water it hurt sometimes. The thing that has not hurt me to drink is milk. I don't feel like nor do I look like I have lost any weight at all. I don't know how much I weight because my doctor did my surgery without weighing me. Because He just had the normal scale that goes too 350lbs. If there is anyone out there who can help me. Please call me write me or something 757-481-9000 is my work number I'm at work after 1 am I work nights. Or call 757-428-7116 ext 102 anytime after 9 am Thanks for all help.
Catherine K.
on 4/20/04 2:10 am - Newark, OH
Barbera- Find another doctor fast, as in today! I can't believe you are back at work already! At this point you should be eating liquids and starting on pureed foods, i.e., baby foods. Try to find EAS Advantage Carb Control liquid nutrition. My local WalMart carries it in the pharmacy section. It will get you lots of protein and some liquid and you should be able to tolerate it at this point. If you are still having pain and vomiting something is wrong. You do not say what kind of surgery you had, but vomiting could be a sign of a stricture at this point in your surgery. That means the opening where your stomach empties is closing up due to scar tissue. If you are not taking in enough fluids, you will get dehydrated very quickly and will need to be re-hospitalized. You do not say if you are taking an acid reducer, but you should be for at least a few months after surgery. If you are not, you could have an ulcer that is causing you pain. It sounds like this is what is causing your pain since you say that drinking milk makes it feel better. Your new doctor can do a scope to see if you have one. If you do have either of these problems, they will need to be treated. I had problems with each of these, but they were found and treated very quickly and were minor problems. If untreated, they will become major problems. None of this advice will replace assessment and treatment by a good doctor. Please search this website for a good doctor in your area and run, do not walk to him or her! It could save you from major problems. I wish you the best and will be thinking of you......Cathy Kilgore
on 4/20/04 8:39 am - Honolulu, HI
What Cathy Kilgore said is right on. I had my WLS on 3/8/04 and I understand what you are talking about. Some discomfort is normal. I find that if I eat to fast it HURTS so I eat real slow. A meal takes me about 30-40 mins. I sip watered down crystal light all day. I stress SIP. Vomiting can cause the little hole to your stomach to swell shut. That is serious. Make sure you get your minerals and protein. Puritans Pride has high protein shakes(24g) the taste takes some getting used to but it is worth it. Eating foods that are not a smooth texture can also cause you to vomit. Sugar free jello or pudding made with skim or unsweetened soy milk goes down easy. Miso soup is also easy on the stomach. Keep in mind your stomach is not healed yet so take it easy and if your doctor is not addressing your concerns speak up, if that does not work net a new doctor. Dana Dorsey
christine C.
on 4/25/04 1:44 pm - holly, MI
barbra, please take the edvice you have recieved from the frist two *****sponed to your cry for help. it is very serious the first several month after surgury to do and take things really slow. if you cann't eat anything try to find a protein suppliment that you like and try to get in at least 60 to 80 grams a day this is going to help you heal but also help you start to lose weight. from the sounds of it you might be getting dehyderated which is very serious in it self and also sounds like you might need to go in and have a scope done which is an in and out procedure. and they lightly put you in a twilight sleep. if you do have an ulcer starting and it goes on treated you could cause some damage to that small pouch that you now have . try not to get to upset but take some acttion fast. because you had this surgury to better your health not make it any worse. good luck and god bless you are in my prayers chris cross ps. i am almost 20 mnths post op and have lost 189lbs so i am living proof it dose work if you realize it is just a tool that they made for you to use and if you miss use it its going to miss use you. later
kathie W.
on 4/28/04 11:58 am - douglassville, PA
I agree with the fact you should be looking for another dr. Someone who will support you and has time to answer all your questions. I sip water all day long because of my dry mounth problem. I haven't been able to keep milk down for months now. As far as your diet goes. Keep to the liquids for awhile yet. Maybe yougert or soups. v8 juice and protein drinks are good choices as well. I also stepped on the scale after 10 days and didn't drop a pound but the following week I lost 17. Don't become a 'scale *****' Right now you should be worried about keeping healthy and the weight will come off on its own. HUGS. KATHIE
on 5/13/04 11:59 am - Cedar Park, TX
Hi Barbara, HOw are thinkgs looking for you?
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