on 7/26/11 9:56 am
Guess who was all happy cause her incisions have healed, her daughter is at Girl Scout camp, and she could swim after work all week? Yep, me!

Guess who went to the Dr. thinking she had a heat rash only to be told it is a contagious skin condition equating to no work, no swimming, no rolling around with the husband in the child free zone?

Yep, me! Shingles, freaking shingles.

Rollin' with the punches girls, just rollin' with the damn punches!
debbie H.
on 7/26/11 10:07 am - AR
Bless your heart!  I hear the shingles can be quite painful.  Hope that's not the case with you.
on 7/26/11 10:26 am
Awww, I'm sorry to hear that! What a bummer!
In a way it might have been good that your daughter isn't there to catch it and so you can focus on your own healing.
I hope you will be feeling better soon.
How long are you on quarantine?
on 7/26/11 11:44 pm
Thanks for the replies. I was doing o****il this morning and am now in pain. I cannot even lift my right arm. I am trying to laugh this off, as a temporary set back to an otherwise smooth banded life.
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