Surgery was 2/25/13

on 3/5/13 10:56 am, edited 3/5/13 11:05 am - Malden, MA
Revision on 02/25/13

I had my revision surgery to B.O.B last Monday. Unfortunately, I had open surgery, but I kinda expected that. I have problems with adhesions and it would have been too difficult. I am wondering how long staples stay in after surgery? I have a follow up appointment in a week and curious if they come out then or at the month check up? Another question is ..... I have been on a liquid diet for 3 weeks and lost maybe 8 lbs in the first week and nothing thereafter. My diet consists of protein shakes, water and sugar free popsicles. Why aren't I losing more?

Zee Starrlite
on 3/5/13 11:31 am

Wow, sorry you had to have open surgery.  Could you be retaining fluids?  Our bodies get traumatized by surgery and anesthesia, pain pills and whatever else they give us.  Give your body a chance to become settled and normalized.


All best & much success,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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