compromising positions in yoga class and other revelations

on 1/24/13 11:22 pm - Ottawa, Canada

So for anyone who has attempted yoga as a fat person, you know how difficult some of the poses can be. Maybe not the pose itself, but the whole breathing in and out while IN the pose can sometimes be an issue....not to mention the level of psychological discomfort

Yesterday in Yoga class....we were finishing up in "Happy Baby" pose....and I didn't even think for one second about how anyone might possibly be looking at me and laughing...

in case you don't know what that is....

A year or so ago, I would have been so self conscious, I wouldn't have been able to attend a yoga class....or if I did, I wouldn't have got the full benefit from it as I would have been too concerned with how I looked; silly, off balance, unable, too fat...etc....LET ALONE get myself into such a compromising position; IN PUBLIC!!!  I was lying in bed last night thinking about this and how different I feel about it now.

Yes I still have my moments of fatness when I look in the mirror....more often than not actually, but I am attempting to do more than I ever thought I could possibly do. Yes, I am still scared to do it, but I can talk myself INTO it 95 % of the time now rather than talking myself OUT of things 95 % of the time!

I signed up for a 10km race, am still trying to convince myself to sign up for the half marathon, and even braved Lululemon on New Year's Eve! (sz 8 btw!!)

I just feel so....BRAVE...sometimes!!

Is this how normal people feel everyday???






on 1/24/13 11:28 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

It is great isn't it ! I think so called normaL people just take it for granted . Since weight loss I am no longer willing to sit on the side lines and let life pass me by. I want to get out there and participate!





on 1/24/13 11:48 pm - Canada

We did that pose last night in class too.. I never thought twice about it!

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

on 1/25/13 1:59 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 01/16/13

I have a friend in the US who is 1 year out and she ventured out to her Yoga class for the first time in 6 month.  She called me after practically shocked and astounded about everything she can do now.  Then she started to cry.   So many things she couldn't or wouldn't do.     I can't relate to yoga, but running and for me cycling again.. I can't wait until I can spend money on a great bike and just go for day long rides and participate in races again.  I want to do a marathon in my lifetime.   I want to be brave again :)



Surgery date:  January 16 2013 -  Beware, I LIVED.


"Not all those who wander are lost..."

on 1/25/13 9:12 am - Canada

It is truly amazing on what you will do when you have lost the weight. I would have never stepped into a yoga class when I was heavy or the gym. I just did pool stuff because I felt like the water was hiding me. Felt safe and I knew I could swim and do the class in water. Now I can not stay out of the gym and I love my friday yoga. I still have a dream left and that is jump from a plane. Just need the money which is a big issue right now but I am glad to say it is not my weight holding me back

on 1/25/13 11:28 am - Toronto, Canada
It is amazing how much I can do. Cartwheels, almost all yoga positions. So many flights of stairs. I want to climb the CN Tower again. I tried it abou 8 years ago and felt like I was goin to die. Now I feel like it wouldn't be so hard ???

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/25/13 12:17 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

I can do that postition but I am not a yoga girl... um. yeah... just saying.

I am a bendy pretzel girl... the one that killed me was spinning. That I want to do.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 1/26/13 11:59 pm - Ottawa, Canada

....and see....spinning terrifies me. I tried it once when I was fat and all I could focus on was my belly and boobs slapping up against my thighs. It was like my very own cheering section with all the applause! :/

But I am not totally over that yet and haven't ventured into the world of spinning! Something else to get addicted to, I'm sure!!





on 1/27/13 6:12 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

hehehe I tried it when I was about 280lbs and the same size as I am right now... years ago. No applause but I made the mistake of sitting on the narrow seat for a second and bruised my..... ummmmmm tailbone. YEAH... that's what I bruised.

It sounds like more fun then it was...

Outside of bruising my... um... tailbone... (front to back really...) I did like spinning. It's a bit nuts but a good rush.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


Onward and

on 1/27/13 3:23 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Wow, that's great!  I did try yoga once, when I was around the weight I am now.  Didn't like it much because I found it all too hard.  I wish they had modified yoga classes for obese people, as opposed to just having the occasional fat person trying to hide at the back of the room among a bunch of slender folks and being told how to do easy versions of the poses while everyone else does the hard ones...

Anyhow, maybe after I'm in the 100's, I'll try it again.  I'm not much for exercise class environments, but we'll see. 

Kelly, I can do stairs now too!  Not a ton of them, but I can do the stairs at work, and it's such a thrill to be using them instead of always taking the elevator.  And it's so amazing to not be completely winded and breathless at the top.  I mean, I feel it in my legs a bit, but before surgery, I couldn't do them at all!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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