I'm tired of Opti-fast

on 12/8/15 2:45 pm

im on Day 10 of Opti-fast and I'm struggling.  I cheated tonight by having three bites of my husband's steak.  I just couldn't stand it!  Now I feel guilty.


on 12/8/15 3:03 pm - Canada

I totally understand your situation and totally admire you for being honest. 

The delema is your putting your surgery at risk. This behaviour only causes you problems because it's showing your not able to continue being compliant with your program. 

Sometimes this is a lesson all its own. 

The fact you have guilt now shows that it has affected you. I don't think it's the food 

it's the fact you can't have it and now you have the craving and your mind says you need it. 

I don't think it's abig deal. I think it's a blimp in the road and nothing more.  Get back on the wagon and show your true colours.  You will do fine. Let us know how it goes. 

You may need to create your own intervention to complete it that is away from food. 


I think  you will do amazing. Get back on the horse and let us know how you do. 



Good luck.  


S Fayad 

on 12/8/15 3:55 pm - Canada

You are not the first person to slip up and I'm sure you won't be the last. You need to come up with your own strategy to deal with it. I don't know how much longer you have to be on it but hopefully the end is in sight. Are you allowed celery, etc? I found that I made it through the last couple of days of opti by making the chocolate one with water, lots of ice and sugar free raspberry syrup, so it was just like a smoothie.  Sending good thoughts your way, YOU CAN DO IT!



on 12/8/15 5:57 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I think at this point you need to figure out why you could not follow a restricted diet for just a few weeks. You need to figure out your relationship with food, Cravings will always be with you. They surgery does not change that.

Are you ready to make a lifestyle change? Only you know for sure





on 12/8/15 6:19 pm

Thank you for being so supportive.  You're all right - I have this relationship with food that I dont really understand.  I need to get a grip on it.


on 12/8/15 7:02 pm - Etobicoke, Canada
RNY on 12/18/15

You can do this Alligator! You cheated .. ok ..  now move on, think of the goal that is ahead. I'm on day 12 and I've thought about the cheating but I know I've come too far to just let 3 weeks of Opti-fast ruin my chances of surgery. Opti-fast is a good trial for us to go through because this is our life now ... making choices and making the right choices. You got this! 

Referral: September 2014; TWH Orientation: December 9, 2014; Social Worker: March 2015; Nutrition Class: May 5,  2015; Nurse Practitioner: May 20, 2015; Psych Evaluation: August 2015; Nutritionist: September 2015; Meet the Surgeon: November 6, 2015; Pre-Op: December 4, 2015; Scheduled Surgery: December 18, 2015; HW 367; SW 341

on 12/9/15 2:13 am

You only end up cheating yourself.  Its done ,so  now you have to move on but also think about why you allowed this to happen

I can tell you right now that this whole process is a head game.  You absolutely must get your head in the game from the start to get the weight off as fast as possible and then to find a way to live your life while keeping your relationship with food in perspective. 

Get back on the horse and hold on for dear life. 






on 12/9/15 6:36 am - Canada

I hear ya! I'm on day 8.

I work in a Doctor's office and our very kind patients have been bringing Christmas treats in, and as hard as it has been I haven't once cheated, it's been hard but I just keep reminding myself why I am doing this and it doesn't seem so bad not to have a treat.

Good luck!

Referral Date: June 9, 2015. Orientation July 17, 2015. First NP meeting October 2, 2015, Dietitian and Social worker meeting October 23, 2015. Pre-op meeting Nov 11, 2015, Tele - conference with Surgeon Dr. Aart Nov 18, 2015, Start Opti December 1, 2015, Surgery December 15, 2015

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