Old habits coming back.

on 1/2/16 11:48 am

The only habit that has come back is only eating when I feel hunger pains.  Surgery was November 18.  I find I feel nausiated when I force myself to eat.

on 1/2/16 1:25 pm - Canada

Hi tlj:

cograts on the surgery and hope you have an amazing 2016

we all have to remember that we did this surgery is because we used food negatively to cause us to need the surgery. 

That being said it is very common early in the surgery to not be hungry when we eat. It's not good to force ourselves to eat but is important to get the protein that is so critical for us to have. So when the times that you are not hungry please remember first that it will change and to at least get the protein in to help us remain healthy. You have come so far and doing so great. 

Its is so important to be smart and use every issue to change into a positive one. So next time  you have a problem show that you are smart and figure out a compromise to allow to to stay on the road to success. So don't force yourself to eat. Maybe change ways about your eating to aid you to take food for what it is. Our lives depend on food so use it to your adantage to make this successful. 

I wish you all the best and I'm  sure that you will be successful and return to the healthy person your trying to become. 

Good luck and I know you got this 



White Dove
on 1/2/16 2:15 pm - Warren, OH

Would not work for me.  I have not felt hunger since I had surgery eight years ago.  But I eat a small meal six times a day.  Are you forcing yourself to eat too much at one time?  A cheesestick can be a meal for me.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Karen M.
on 1/3/16 2:22 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I haven't felt "hunger", as I knew it, since my surgery 10 years ago. If I ate when I was "hungry", I wouldn't eat at all.

The new sense of hunger is "empty" - that's how I know I've gone too long without eating. Make a daily plan, with times, and stick to it. Small amounts, manageable.



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