Tuesday is a New Day!

Nancy B
on 8/22/11 5:52 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
Good morning, OFF family! Wishing Karen an easy surgery and recovery, wishing for acceptance and a time of new adventures for Pat R, and comfort to so many who are struggling with losses of dear ones, issues that are upsetting and those who simply need support. Today I will go to the diagnostic clinic and pick up my x-rays for the surgeon tomorrow (Wed). Funny, in a way, that I am not at all upset...I feel such a sense of peace and calm. Don’t get me wrong, this is not an acceptance and refusal to fight this challenge but simply my decision to approach this issue with a positive attitude and deliberate decisions made.  Regardless if this lump is malignant or benign, I want it OUT of my body. A complication: this area, all the local hospitals are fighting with C-difficile -  there have been 38 deaths from it in the last two months and not all were elderly and weakened. Some were even care-takers!   My husband & my best friend have made me promise to not have surgery here in this region but to go to a big city like Hamilton’s McMaster University hospital. And so it gets complicated. Tuesday evening is my sorority- Beta Sigma Phi - “Beginning Day” dinner party....okay ANY excuse for a dinner party!! When I get up, I will prepare a “secret sister” gift to start the new season.  I keep a stockpile of small but nice gifts so that will be easy to get ready.  I will make dinner for the guys and off I go! Our older son, Danny, has passed his pilot’s exam with 100%!!!!  It was multiple choice questions and he wrote it in six minutes, double-checked his work (he is a perfectionist)....the instructors were stunned but they have all been impressed with his ability in-flight!  Apparently nobody gets 100%.....well until Danny wrote it. *proud mommy grins*    Dan’s first SOLO flight will be this week. The regional  airport is just 1 ½ miles from here as the crow flies so I can SEE the planes taking off and landing from my verandah…egad!  Maybe I need a good stiff drink that day (and I’m not much of a drinker)..well, okay, maybe chocolate martinis, as some ladies will remember in Dallas…shhh! I’ve been doing a lot of research to find costs for high-quality photo work. I have created a number of coloured mandalas that I want to reproduce as posters and some as "wall art".  I already have two “wall art” orders!!.  One is required for a Meditation Corner and another mandala wall art has been requested as a “relationship” piece for a married couple. My website will be launched on Tuesday, Sept 5th and I’m so excited yet also nervous…this will be in conjunction with an International website called Inspirational Transformational. The owner of that website has created two hour-long interview videos on me and wishes to do a huge launching of my work.  This will include announcement in a number of holistic/spiritual newsletters. She wants to dedicate a whole week on my work…egad!!! Slowly dealing with the latest complications of Mother’s wills, now legal issues & banking issues.  I wish she had spent her last penny the day before she died.  Money can be such an awful source of stress, greed and sense of entitlement and my two sisters are proving that out. I intend to give my portion to my two sons and to charity. Things won't be completed until after the new year when I can file Mom's income taxes , maybe then I can have closure. Enjoy your day..be safe and be kind..you never know whose life may change for the better just because of your smile! Nancy B
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
on 8/22/11 9:19 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Nancy some of the Mandalas I have seen on your OFF page are beautiful. I hope post a link to your web page in September.
I think I have pink eye starting again! Grrrr. BUT, I think I have figured out why. I only wear eye make up when I travel or go somewhere important. I used my eye liner before taking my grandson to SC. The only time I get this is when I travel. Hmmmm, maybe it's time for a new eye liner. I still have antibiotic eye drops from my last episode.
We are getting ready for a possible visit from Irene. When we lived in OR, I kept a bag packed in my trunk in case our daughter called and needed a sitter in a hurry. Now I keep one in my car during hurricane season! I will move the lawn furniture today and hook the trash can to the fence after trash pick up this week. It could be an interesting weekend here.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Pat R.
on 8/22/11 10:54 pm - Sturgis, MI
Carolyn, I had a doctor tell me once that ALL MAKEUP
should be discarded after six months or less......

annette R.
on 8/23/11 12:16 am - ithaca, NY

I second the advice from Pat. Eye liner is not too expensive so splurge on a new one.

A funny: When Tom and I got married, I wore a RED gown and bought a special lipstick to match. The lipstick is still in a drawer, no longer applied, but I like to look at it. Lips

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 8/23/11 5:59 am - FL
Where do get your emotims?  See?  No comparison...come on fess up.....!  Share....!  love ya ....Sam
really cute post....by the way I was married in a shocking pink gown.....down to there....!
annette R.
on 8/23/11 6:17 am - ithaca, NY
Sam -
SmileyCentral.com is where I get all the cute little thingy's. SpiderI think you can go there and download the program. That's what I did but so long ago that I forgot how it was done.Confused

Shocking Pink is good too. My daughter had fits about the red gown, my Dad kept telling me to pull it up in front, Mom was thrilled with the choice.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 8/23/11 1:45 am
Carolyn......I think the makeup maybe the problem...get rid of it. I too never keep makeup past 6 months and I never let anyone else use it either. So sorry you have to deal with this again.


Love and hugs....connie d

on 8/22/11 10:01 pm

Good morning everyone! I'm trying to cut back on the computer time a bit these days but wanted to check in.

Doing well at this end - we are having beautiful, cool summer days this week with clear skies. Love it! And it looks like most of FL will be spared the hurricane so we are grateful not to have to worry about things there.

Today I will be working for the afternoon. This morning I have errands to do (shipping store, hardware, stuff like that) and am doing a double workout with jazzercise and yoga at the gym. I'll probably treat myself to one of their protein shakes afterward as a reward!

I am working out a lot this week and getting the snacking back under control. I'd slacked off this summer a bit - nothing horrible, but just too much food overall, I think. I have gained about 7 lbs. from my lowest weight - 5 lbs. from my most stable weight - and want to keep that in check.

Enjoy your day everyone!

Patricia R.
on 8/22/11 11:44 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nancy and OFF Family to follow,
I am also praying for Karen as she goes for surgery today.  I am sure that the Lord has her right in the palm of His hands.  Also, for Pat R, to have peace about her decision to step down, and await her next opportunity for service in whatever capacity that looks like.

I am praying for my son, Sean today.  He had to have his friend committed to a psych hospital last night.  Friend is bipolar and has a substance abuse problem, and took an overdose yesterday, and has been hallucinating.  He called me, since I work in a psych hospital as a social worker, for help in what to do.  I warned him that it could be that the friend may never speak to him again, but that he could be saving his life.  My son had a heroin problem years ago.  He drinks now, which I don't encourage, but he is trying to get his life straightened out.

Today, I have an AA meeting to get to, and I want to get to the gym for a swim.  I have not been there all summer, which is not good, but I will get there today and give it a shot.  I need the exercise badly.

Other than that, I will be packing some more.  I did not get to the work clothes yesterday, because I opened the closet and just felt overwhelmed.  So, I closed it.  I am debating about buying some bigger boxes for it.  I just feel overwhelmed by all the boxes that are taking up what little floor space I have.

Well, I better get something accomplished today.  Can't just sit around playing on the computer.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/23/11 12:14 am - NY
Morning Nancy and all OFF'ers....

   Prayers and blessings for those in need.
   My appointment went fine...I have a horrible bruise..no blood clot...my PCP was more concerned about me NOT letting it get infected.  I am also scheduled for a sleep study and another visit with my cardiologist.  My heart is still doing the weird palpitations...feels like  a waterfall in my chest. Sleep study is tomorrow night, cardiologist next week.
    So I'm FINE...no need to worry.  I just need to be more careful when helping my mom pack for her move.  Bruise is very sore..so I guess no Zumba for me today..!  DARN!!
    My niece, my brother's daughter, is coming home from Colorado for a visit in Sept.  She has not been home since her mom's funeral last summer.  We are all very excited to have her here, although its only for about 4 days.  Still it will be nice!!!
   Everyone have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

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