A Summer Saturday

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 6/15/12 10:10 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Hi my OFF family,
    I get to start again. That's 2 days in a row. I went to sleep about 11:30PM and woke up at 2:10AM. Must get more sleep.
Finishing up laundry today.
    Went over to visit a neighbor last evening. She had ordered a pair of Reebok's that didn't fit her. She had me try them on. They fit beautifully. I've been wanting a new pair for quite a while. The Lord is good. He has provided once again. My church is paying off part of my medical bills. They are also going to pay for my medical equipment co-pays for 2 months. What a big, big help. No more tension headaches. It feels good to take a deep breath and relax. Now I'll keep this moving in the right direction. I want to have plenty of cash available before I have the next surgery. Don't want to go through this again ever.
Thanks for being here for me and supporting me.    Hugs,   Mag
on 6/15/12 11:03 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Mag I am so happy you are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. This economy is so scarey!
Went down to our son's last night for a little good-bye barbeque for our grandson and his girl. Lots of food got eaten, lots of horseshoes thrown. No one got into the pool. Each summer they say they aren't gonna open it again but they do. They will still have a son coming home from college every summer. And pretty soon a grandson who will enjoy it!
Our daughter got a letter from her lawyer with a HUGE document from his lawyer wanting all kinds of financial info. Thirty five catagories with lots of stuff in each. ie: Taxes. As in property, income, corporate, etc. every bank account, stocks, partnership info, emails, etc. She does have the option of saying either she doesn't have the info and why, or her ex has the info, or there never was the info they want. There was also a copy of a letter her lawyer sent his wanting the same info. His lawyer said the ex is interested in getting this resolved quickly. RIGHT. The scarey part is, they want info up to and including June 30, 2012. She thought anything she did after she filed in April is none of their business!! She just sent her attorney another 10K. I think most of the info would be included in copies of their income tax returns. A lot will have to come from her corp office. She left filing cabinets with files at her ex's house. So she says let him dig for it. Will she ever be free?!?!
I finished those precious little baby sandals. They are the size for a newborn. Not for a toddler who would walk in them. Maybe someday I will try a larger size.
My granddaughter has a HUGE physics paper she has to have done by Monday to bring her Physics grade up. She has basketball tournaments all weekend. I am going to do some research for her so she can compile it all Sunday night. Apparrently she didn't do well on the final. She is a Freshman. I don't think I had Physics til Junior or Senior year. And I hated it!
Nearly every time I post, I start by addressing a previous poster, but it takes me so long to get it all written and posted, others have posted in between. I am not ignoring you of you posted between Mag's post and mine!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Patricia R.
on 6/15/12 11:14 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Mag and OFF,
Today, I have a busy day.  First, I have to go to the local craft store to get a gift card for my sis-in-law's birthday.  Then, I have therapy this afternoon.  This evening, we are having a birthday dinner for my sis-in-law.  

It's supposed to be a nice day today.  Hope everyone is able to enjoy it.

Prayers and love to all.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 6/16/12 1:42 am
Good morning Mag and everyone.....

Mag....glad you are getting some financial help. That will ease the stress for sure!!

I am just laying low today. Not sure I will do much of anything.
Kind of feel like I need a me day. My sister is gone for the day and the house is quiet. I plan on reading and not much else.

Wishing you all a great day!! Prayers for those in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d
on 6/16/12 7:33 am - Cibolo, TX
Afternoon all!

Benny and I are enjoying being in the cool living room this afternoon. We are working puzzles and watching Sesame Street. When Chris gets home we are going to take a picnic supper to the lake and go for a late swim. I am content to just be Mimi today.

Love you all!


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