Tense Tuesday

on 4/26/16 6:19 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

It seems my day ahead will be filled with battles.  Ugh.  I hate conflict and tension.  

I am on a mission this week to get my landscaper to come back and finish the damn job he started!  I have been beyond patient with the process.  It's been dragging on for weeks now.  I need my sprinkler system installed and the mulch put in to finish my flower beds.  I came home yesterday after a four-day absence and had to water, water, water!  This is not acceptable.  If he wants to get paid, he'd better come back and finish the damn job.

And I'm afraid my exchange with my neighbor about her dog didn't go well last night.  We exchanged three texts back and forth and I must say that her response to my first text was very defensive and immature.  I won't bore y'all with all the things that were said.  But I'm in an untenable position here.  I have witnessed first-hand how aggressive her "family pet" is.  Her dog attacked me in my own yard.  I know they love their dog, but I must protect my family.  I'm afraid it's going to get ugly, and I don't want that, but I will not--CAN NOT--compromise my family's safety.  I'm just praying that after a night of reflection, Bree has calmed down now and is willing to be reasonable.

So, now for the good news!  I worked very hard to stick to my diet while I was gone and this morning my scale showed another loss!  194!  That's 14 pounds!  Whoopee!

Also, San Antonio got hit with another big hail storm last night, but by some miracle, it missed us here in Cibolo.  That's twice now.  I am so thankful.  I still cannot get my car in the garage, but that's my next big project.  I need to go buy metal shelving and put it all along one wall of my garage.  Then I can hopefully, finally, get all of these boxes stacked up (to the ceiling, if need be) neatly on the shelving and out of the house and up off the garage floor!

I also have some pressing bookkeeping that needs doing, and I need to figure out how to get the software I need loaded onto my new computer and get my files transferred.  And I bought some paint (last year!) for my patio tables and I need to get those painted before the weather and elements completely destroy them.  

And I'm really looking forward to picking up my sewing again!  I already have the fabrics.  I need to make my dust ruffle, my duvet cover, my pillow shams, and my bedroom curtains.  I also still have the fabric to make the seat covers for my kitchen chairs.  However, I have promised myself that the garage project must come first.  For one thing, I need to do that before it gets so unbearably hot again.  I can sew all summer in the AC.  I need to work in the garage NOW while the temps are reasonable.

But first, I must take my walk!  I'm pumped about my WL and want to see it continue.  If I can just lose 30 more pounds I will be back to 164, which is where I was before we went to Belize two years ago.  My immediate goal now is to get below 190.  That's just four more pounds!

So, lots going on.  It is so quiet and peaceful in my house this morning.  Just me and Mom and little Patty Kate.  It's wonderful!

Love you all!




Connie D.
on 4/26/16 10:42 am, edited 4/26/16 3:42 am

Good afternoon Vickie....so sorry your landscaper has not come to finish his job. Tell him you will be posting a complaint to the BBB and maybe even the newspaper to complain of his serve. He will get there. After that work is done I hope you can find someone else. Save yourself some stress!!! 

Sorry about your neighbors but I agree with you. Someone maybe even a child could get severely hurt. Please do take care of this. That dog needs to be gone from that home. You have given her more then ample time to take care of it. I would call it in now. She is just making excuses to keep you texting each other so she can keep him longer. 

I am glad the hail storms missed you. God was watching out for you.

I hope you can get out in the garage and get things off the floor. Then you can keep your car in there and safe from the storms.

You do have quite a list of things that need to be done!!

Congratulations on your weight loss. I have been trying everything even walking. One pound up and down is all I am getting....grrrrrrrr!!!

I am so happy that you are back to sleeping in your own bed and having a peaceful day again!! Enjoy!!!!!

As for me.... nothing much here. I am waiting for Fran to get here soon and we will get my shopping done. It is only 37 degrees right now. Damp and cloudy more rain later today. April's are always so awful in MN. The weather changes three times a day!! I is very frustrating. I need SUNSHINE!!!

Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families. Special prayers for those in need.

Have a wonderful day everyone...love and hugs to all...connie d



on 4/26/16 2:06 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Hi Vickie, 

Sorry about the landscapers not finishing their job.

I'm glad you had a good night sleep. Congrats on the weightloss. 

Glad the storm missed you. 

Hopefully you can get your projects done before the heat turns on.

Love and hugs,


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