3 Year VSG Surgiversary with Photos - Wanting Plastics!

on 8/18/11 2:01 am - Bryan, TX
 Today marks my 3rd Anniversary of having the VSG.  Below are pictures of my before and after.  It is still hard for me to post pictures of me in a swim suit but I'm wanting your opinion of how I would look if I had plastics.  I need a LBL, BL with implants.  Thank you for your input!

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/11 3:06 am
I don't think you look nearly as bad as you imagine you do. Are you wanting to go larer size wise with yiur breasts or just looking to lift?

You'd probably look great post plastics since you're not looking too shabby now.

Good luck.
on 8/18/11 4:42 am - Bryan, TX
 Thank you for your sweet comments and yes, I do want my breast to be bigger.  I don't want to be huge just full.  I have the swim suit tied really tight around my neck so my breast would not sag down to almost my belly!  LOL

I'm hoping to have plastics in the near future.  I have had 3 babies, one by c-section and have nursed all three and with losing and gaining weight my entire life, my body definitely shows the signs of wear and tear!

Thanks again for your input.  I appreciate you taking your time to post.
on 8/18/11 3:54 am - Twinsburg, OH
You are gorgeous!  If you want the surgery, go for it.  You have to be happy in your own skin.  I can't wait to get mine because I'm tired of looking like I'm wearing stretched out panty hose over my entire body!


on 8/18/11 5:01 am - Bryan, TX

First of all -- thank you so much for taking the time to look at my pictures and to post.  And also for the sweet comments you made about me.  I know what you mean about being happy in my own skin.  I am 54 years old and have had 3 babies, 1 by c-section and nursed all three for about a year. I have lost weight and gained weight over the years so my body has been stretched and abused my entire adult life.  I look at having plastics as my reward for finally doing something permanent for weight loss and having the body I've always wanted.  I am not looking to be perfect and that is unrealistic but I would like to have a BL with implants to be full -- not large but just full and a LBL.  I really need the tummy tuck too.  I'm tired of the skin hanging down in my stomach and butt.

Thanks again for your input and encouragement.  It means alot to me.  I hope and pray you much sucess on your surgery when the time comes.
on 8/18/11 5:30 am
Go for it! You look great and will most likely have a great result. Talk to your PS about what recommendations they have and ask a lot of questions. It helped me a lot to write down your questions in advance and then compare notes if you see more than 1. This message board has been incredibly helpful too. Congratulations on your weightless.

                                            (-32 before RNY)                                 GOAL !

on 8/18/11 5:39 am - Bryan, TX
 Thank you for your  encouragement, input and comments.  I actually have had one consult with a PS and he said I would definitely need a BL with implants and LBL.  He said I would look amazing since due to the way my body is shaped.  I just like to talk to those who have already had surgery and get feed back from all of you who have experienced plastic surgery.  Thanks again for taking the time to post.  I appreciate all the help from this board.
on 8/18/11 9:05 am, edited 8/18/11 9:06 am - Houston, TX
Go for it! You are close enough to Houston to check out the program at Baylor. I had a consult with them a few weeks ago. My quote was $9900 for tummy tuck w/ lipo and breast lift. The Dr. suggested I wait for the breast lift to heal/settle (6 months) and return for implants if I want them.
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. ~2 Chronicles 15:7 
LilySlim Weight loss tickers 
5'6" ~ Loving a size 4 ~
Plastics Apr 17th, 2012 with Dr. Sauceda ~ BL, BA, LBL w/ flap aug & mini thigh lift!

on 8/18/11 9:20 am
I went to Dr Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico for my LBL, BL, arms and medial thigh lift (that part between the legs that rubs together) - the stitches follow the groin on the insides of the legs.  Then I had a full face & neck lift 4 days later.  I was 58 at the time.  Click on Dr Sauceda in my siggy line for his group here on OH.  If you do a friend request, I'll send you the password to my pics, in the photo section of the group.  Dr S also lipo'd my muffin top, so now I have a flat belly!  I'm very happy with my body really looking normal now.  I was a floppy 40D before the lift and perky 38D now...  I didn't need implants, so most medium tops fit me.

Losing weight made me feel better about myself, but plastics shot me to the top of the self-esteem scale!  It was so worth what I paid for my PT Cruiser 5 years ago and that was under 20k... 

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/11 9:44 am


Girrrrrl, you ALREADY look Beautiful...It's hard to think you would look any more beautiful...but you will Love your new body even more...It's AMAZING how our bodies change with plastics...i can't wait to see your post that you have a date and then your post of the new you..!!



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