seriously? bellybutton pulling apart

on 11/20/11 2:57 pm
 I'm beyond words. I'm taking a tranquilizer and going to bed. 

I've been trying to stand up as straight as possible, as per my surgeon's instructions. I was slowly straightening my spine this evening when I felt a peculiar pulling sensation in my bellybutton. The only way I can see it is to bend over and look at it, didn't see anything. But then asked my dad to check it out while I was standing upright, and he said "It looks ok to me. But is it supposed to be open like that?" I had him take a picture. It's TOTALLY pulling apart. No signs of infection thank god, and I've been drenching it in bacitracin ointment and keeping it covered ever since the surgery. 

Posted the picture in my TT photo album. It makes me ill looking at it. I just emailed it to my PS asking what to do. I'm going to call in the morning. 

Anyone else had their bellybuttons start falling apart? What did your PS have you do, and how did it turn out? 

I'm lucky in that I'm already on heavy-duty antibiotics, so I'm pretty protected against infection (I hope!!). Maybe all the extra swelling in my tummy (very visible in the pic I posted) has just been too much for the poor bellybutton. :( 
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
(deactivated member)
on 11/20/11 3:10 pm
 It does look like it's pulling apart I feel so sorry for you. You have had quite the roller coaster lately you are overdue for something good to happen. 

 I don't know about the belly button as I didn't get to keep mine because of hernia. I did have a couple stitches pull apart on me and almost ripped my nipple off at one point. It took a couple three weeks but everything did heal up good eventually. Glad your on the antibiotics and bactracin you should be okay.

Get well,

on 11/20/11 3:22 pm
It does look like it is pulled tight. hope you get an quick response from your surgical center soon. Until then try and sleep. Hugs!!

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 11/20/11 9:41 pm - OK
 Lizzy oh my God!!!  How much can one person handle?  I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you.  I hope and pray this is not a big deal.  I'm glad you are on anti biotics.  

190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011

Lee ~
on 11/20/11 10:28 pm - CA
Oh Lizzy, I so sorry to read this.  You've had way too much go wrong.  I'm so glad that you have your mom and dad there to help take care of you.  It's time for all these complications to just end for you and let you get on to finding a new wardrobe and hot new man in your life!

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 11/20/11 10:55 pm
You have been through so much..just want to send you a hug!  Get in touch with your PS this am....he needs to see this.  I am glad that you are already on antibiotics.  Take care and please keep us posted.

My weight loss journey                                                    
Laura in Texas
on 11/21/11 1:32 am
When my incision split open on my back, my surgeon had me put xeroform dressing on it. I hope it does not leave a big scar like my opening.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/21/11 4:55 am
 I was looking through your pictures and I am tracking your progress closely. Your (preplastics) body looks almost just like mine does now. Did I read that right that you had your BA done in September of this year? They already look amazing. 

As far as the belly button I sure hope they can fix it easily! Good thoughts and hugs! 


5'6" Start-276 Goal-150  Weight loss   Preop=5  Month 1=25  Month 2=10  Month 3=14  Month 4=3 Month 5=7  Month 6=9 Month 7=7 Month 8=Month 9=9 Month 10=7 Month 11=5 Month 12=5 Month 13=3 Month 14=4    


on 11/21/11 8:22 am
 Yes I had my BA done this year. I haven't updated those pictures in a while because I've developed capsular contracture (due to post-op bleeding) and they unfortunately don't look as good as they did. The implant is stuck high up on my chest and has been traveling upwards even higher. Have to get it fixed early next year. But I look forward to it looking fabulous after that!! Surgeon says it's a straightforward fix. We shall see. 

I am hoping the my bellybutton is easy to fix too. I'm happy with my stomach's shape otherwise. As long as it closes up, I don't care if it doesn't look like a real bellybutton. I'm not gonna be wearing crop tops and bikinis. My PS tried to dissuade me from getting the fleur de lis abdominoplasty but I insisted and I'm still glad I did. My waist is smaller than it would have otherwise been. 

I'm glad my pics are helping you, and I hope that when you get your plastics your journey is a lot smoother than mine! 
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
on 11/21/11 7:07 am - Auburn, CA
All that I can say is that I am so very sorry that you are dealing with yet another issue! You poor thing. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know what the surgeon says when he calls you back.
SW:270         GW: 125         CW:104(and still losing)
New Goal Weight: Whereever my body feels most comfortable and stops losing.

Abdominoplasty with Dr. Scott Green: 10/11/11
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