One Week Follow-up to LBL , BL, and upper eyelid bleth

on 1/27/12 1:29 am
I had my second follow-up appointment with my surgeon today. I think it went very well. He took out my three remaining drains and removed all my stitches that won’t dissolve. I have one stitch that is in a tough spot on my bra line and it is getting a little irritated. There isn’t much we can do about it, but try a different bra. The surgical wounds are healing nicely. My flanks and abdomen are sore. I still need my pain meds to control the pain occasionally, but that is improving every day as well. I can’t stand the fog they put me in when I take them. They are the last thing preventing me from driving.    I’m working on building my stamina by walking. I get a couple of walks in during the day and then need a nap. I need to normalize my sleep cycle too. I’ve been waking up a couple of time a night. Hopefully, getting all the peripherals removed while allow me to sleep better. 

He put me in a stage 2 compression garment and said to wear it and my binder for 5 more weeks

I'm not super satisfied with my eyes.  I think my right eye is still pretty hooded.  It is also still swollen.  He had a tough time getting that little stitch to release.  I'm prepared to give it time before I start complaining. 

I think the rest of my results are very good.  My breasts still have some bruising and the nipple have some ripples from the sutures.  I think time will show an even greater improvement.  I'm still very happy with how they look.  I love my flat belly.  I think my butt is my favorite.  The wrinkled hiney is gone and this new one is just awesome.  He did some contouring on my hips that is just wonderful.   Overall, I feel good. My recovery is going well, and I’m feeling better every day. I'm super happy with my results and my surgeon.   Kay    
on 1/27/12 2:44 am
So happy for you that you are pleased with your results.  This is such a big surgery, and it is so critically important to have the results we hope.  You had quite a bit done too.

My hiney is my biggest issue.  It gives me alot of encouragement to hear your results are so good.  I look and mine and wonder what can realistically be done.  I carried most of my weight back there.  The hiney has deflated into layer upon layer of skin that jiggles and gets all wrapped up in my panties.  I hate it, but keep going back and forth between having my facial work done first.

I hope you will post photos.  I don't know if I have enough courage to do that actually...especially since reading the post where photos are being shared on Fb w/o our permission.  Maybe I will consider posting a nice modest one post PS.

on 1/27/12 3:18 am
This has been a much tougher recovery. Much harder than RNY or giving birth. Just go into it with your eyes open...know what you are getting into.

You just described my butt. I mean my former butt. I carried most of my weight in my butt and thighs.

I plan to post pics this weekend. I don't have the before pics. My PS marked me up the Monday before my Thursday surgery. I just didn't think that far ahead. DH is finally home from AZ to take post-op pics for me.

I'm not thin. I have an overweight BMI, but I'm very comfortable with my weight and curves. I seem to be getting naked a lot this week. Every time a girlfriend stops by to visit/check on me, they wanna see the results. DH has been on a business trip since Saturday. The girls have rallied and taken great care of me. The least I could do was show my new flat tummy when they asked, right? I'm very lucky and have great friends.

on 1/27/12 3:49 am
Thanks Kay.  I'm really  trying to prepare myself for what I'm facing.  I just don't have any surgical history to help me imagine this...only my RNY.  So I am really apprehensive.  I keep reminding myself all you guys have done it, have done well  and so can I.  I have a consult on Feb 2nd and one on Feb 8th.  The one on the 2nd is with Dr. Lo Monaco and the 8th with a surgeon who specializes in face lifts.  I know he will suggest doing the body work too and would probaby give me a price break, I'm guessing, but that isn't his specialty like Dr. L.  It is just a lot to consider. 

on 1/27/12 11:25 pm
So glad you got those pesty drains out of you! It sounds like you are doing great. I bet your hubby will amazed in the differences since he was gone. One thing that everyone has told me over and over is to not overdo it.
on 1/27/12 11:44 pm
DH and I were talking about that last night...getting active without over-doing it. I am so independent that I just want to take care of things. I'm terrible at asking for help. He isn't the most sensitive person in the world. He just doesn't see what is going on around him. He said if he isn't doing something I need just ask. We're a good couple. I think I'll keep him.

Lee ~
on 1/28/12 8:17 am - CA
 Hi Kay!  I have been gone a few days so I'm just getting to see your update. I'm so glad your drains are gone.  What a relief.

Be patient with your eyes. Everything will keep evolving.  You may like the results better in. Few weeks.

The surgery you had is a really big deal.  Continue getting in you walks to Regina your strength but please ask friends and DH to help you!

complications can keep happening. I did not  develop my seromas until six weeks post op.  we still have to continue to be careful.

I know you're wonder woman and so does everyone else.  Nothing to prove, even though we think there is.  I'm still amazed at seven weeks how much this takes in terms of recovery.

Keep up the good work!

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

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