what questions to ask at preop?

on 4/18/12 7:52 am - Towanda, PA
I have my preop tomorrow for my corset-trunkplasty and hysterectomy, and thigh lipo.  What questions should  I ask?  Anything would be helpful.

Yvonne.    To thine own self be true.     hw 432/ sw 352/ cw196.8/gw 200  RNY 8/11/10 Corsettrunkplasty & thigh lipo 5/16/2012.


on 4/18/12 8:23 am
Pre-op stuff ..... I had to have some blood work and a few appointments
My doc has his patients eat pineapple to help with swelling and bruising

Day of surgery ...... In-patient or outpatient? Length of procedure, type of anesthesia,

What to you need at home? Recliner? Stocked fridge and pantry, help, etc

Post-op ..... How long off work? What type of follow up care
What if you are not pleased with your results?

What % of their patients need revisions?
How much skin do they ink they will remove?

on 4/18/12 2:25 pm
With revisions being common, ask if the cover revisions. Most do but patient is usually responsible for anestesia.

Also. are all your post op appointmenes covered, supplies, binders.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

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