2 yr surgerversary

on 8/12/12 4:58 pm, edited 8/12/12 5:01 pm - Towanda, PA
I am 2 yrs out RNY and feel terrific.  I walk 6.5 to 8 miles a day, and am loving life.   I have lost 235 lbs so far.

Yvonne.    To thine own self be true.     hw 432/ sw 352/ cw196.8/gw 200  RNY 8/11/10 Corsettrunkplasty & thigh lipo 5/16/2012.


on 8/12/12 5:47 pm
Congrats! My two year anniversary was yesterday! How smart and hardworking we are! I have never been healthier in my life and I am sure the same is true for you. Cheers to Fabulous You!
Highest Weight: 265 lbs Pre-Op Weight: 249 lbs Surgery Weight: 238 lbs Current Weight: 124 lbs
on 8/13/12 6:15 am
Congrats! My two year anniversary was yesterday! How smart and hardworking we are! I have never been healthier in my life and I am sure the same is true for you. Cheers to Fabulous You!
Highest Weight: 265 lbs Pre-Op Weight: 249 lbs Surgery Weight: 238 lbs Current Weight: 124 lbs
on 8/13/12 11:33 am
 Today (13th) is my 2 year as well :) I'm down 265 lbs...been holding steady at 180 for over a year now ^_^ I get to celebrate with a cortisone injection to the right knee lol how exciting eh?


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

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