Weight Gain as a result of Surgery

Shelly C.
on 2/26/13 12:07 pm - Alameda, CA

I am wondering if any of you are having a hard time losing weight after having multiple procedures  and liposuction. I am 7 months post surgery. The surgeon removed 4 pounds of skin plus I weighed 8 pounds more when I got home from the surgery and swelling, however I cannot seem to get rid of the excess weight that settled in my hips and legs. 2 months post surgery I was able to squeeze back into my jeans, but the problem is my butt, hips and thighs.

I have tried the 5 day pouch test, reducing calories to 1000k a day, then increased to 1200k-1800k, doing 35-60 minutes of cardio 3x a week. My ab muscle is still tender, so I do not do rigorous ab exercise.

I do not drink my calories, eat minimal carbs.

In a desperate measure I have started taking the green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones to see if this will help, it does make me need to void my bladder more frequently. 

Any jump start suggestions beyond what I have tried and failed at would be great!






Extended Tummy Tuck w lipo/Muscle Repair // BL/Aug // Arm Lift Aug 2012
on 2/27/13 8:41 am - Granada Hills, CA

Im in the same boat and it sucks - im only 3 months post PS though. I came home 20 lbs heavier, eventually went down for a day, and then was back up and ive been creeping up. Right now i'm 10 lbs heavier than surgery weight (even though i apparently had 8 lbs removed) - some of it was unexplained but some of it was post-op blues, and eating more and no exercise for 2 months.

Im wearing bigger clothes than before surgery because I believe I still have substantial swelling in my stomach/abdomen but it's SUCKS. There are days I just get pissed that I paid all this and went through all this to be heavier and bigger.

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 2/27/13 8:55 am

I avoid getting on the scale too soon after plastics due to the swelling.  I have been waiting about a month before I get on the scale and it has usually been lower.  Perhaps that is because I had some substantial lipo done.  If you are having trouble getting into the same clothes that means that you are swollen even though it may not appear that way.  You do have to be careful with what you eat given that exercise is limited during the recovery period.  But at some point, it all stabilizes and you see the reduction both in terms of how your clothes fit and what the scale says. 

on 2/27/13 9:39 am - Senatobia, MS

How is your sodium intake?  I started eating a couple of saltines a day and within two weeks I had gain 7 lbs.  WTH!  I started last Friday drinking 3 shakes (100 calories each) a day and eating two protein bars at 170 each for three days and took off those 7 lbs.  This is the first gain I have had since I had my FDL TT last May.  My doctor took 5 lbs. off but when I weigh a month later I was still at my 155 weigh which was fine.  I have my next plastics on April 18th so I hope I do as well then as now.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

Laura in Texas
on 2/27/13 11:46 am, edited 2/27/13 7:27 pm

I think it has to do more with the fact that you're 3 years post-RNY than anything to do with plastics. By the 3 year mark many of us have trouble with regain. Do you measure your portions? Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we eat less than we do. Most of us RNYers eat 1200-1600 calories a day to maintain our weight, so more that 1200 may be too much for you. Have you had your RMR measured? My surgeon has one of those machines you breathe into to measure it. Many of us have totally screwed up metabolisms after years of dieting. What do you do for cardio? Can you increase the intensity? How tall are you? Is your goal weight realistic? (I'm not expecting you to answer these questions here, just something for you to think about)

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/19/13 3:49 am - Gold Hill, OR

I didn't have trouble losing weight post Extended TT, BL/BA in April 2012 but when I had the Butt Lift in July 2012, I gained 10#, couldn't seem to lose it and went on to gain another 25#.  I was having some other digestive problems at the time but what was of most concern was the leg swelling (that still is present) after the butt lift.  I had some leg swelling with my ankles turning black after the TT, but it went down.  I still get indentations, my pants were really tight (and still are due to the weight gain).  I had an ultrasound after two months to rule out a blood clot.  I was worried about lymphidemia (sp).  I was told it could be hypothroidism (which I have).  I am 8 months out and legs still are very tight.  Not sure what to do about it.  I agree with the poster that said it could be time away from RNY...I know my hunger has returned after 2.5 years (darn it!) Maybe it has something to do with removing the fat cells that are still in the tissues & the body panics thinking it is starving?? Don't know...it is kind of a guessing game and the old rules of calorie counting, exercise etc. don't always work like they did at one time. 

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