Best Pre-Op Advice for LBL & BL/BA

Christina D.
on 8/4/13 8:22 am
VSG on 08/16/12

Just looking for your best tips/advice for those that have had LBL, BL/BA. I'm having my surgery next month and would love to hear any of your tips. Things that made it go better or whatever wisdom you might have to impart. 


Height: 5'4" Current Weight & BMI: 125.2/21.5 Lowest Weight/BMI: 125.2/21.5

Lap Band: 8/13/09 Pre-Op Weight: 245  Weight Lost: 55-60 lbs, band removed 8/2011

Revised to VSG: 8/16/12 Pre-OpWeight: 236 Weight Lost: 110.8 lbs EWL:  121%

Weight Goals: 145 lbs (normal BMI) in 32 weeks. 135 lbs in 37 weeks. 130 lbs in 45 weeks. Fitness Goals: 5 K -- 4 completed in 2013! 10k -- 1 completed 2013! Half marathon -- 3 planned for Spring 2014.

Plastic Surgery: LBL, BA/BL done by Dr. J Barnthouse  9/13.     

Quote: If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging! ~Will Rogers









on 8/4/13 10:26 am

You may want to invest in a shower chair (I found mine on Amazon for about $35). It made showers SO much easier and was really a Godsend when I was having dizzy spells (my blood pressure was dropping very low the first 2 1/2 weeks when ever I took off my binder or compression garment)  Also for the shower, get an extra long string of some sort to hang your drains around your neck.  Not the prettiest necklace you'll ever where but it solves the "what do I do with the drains when I don't have any clothes to pin them to" question. 

Take your vitamins diligent leading up to and during your recovery.  You may want to also bulk up on protein.  

Have a comfy place to rest with a table within reach to keep stuff you want to have close (chapstick, Kindle, med cup, water, lotion, etc)  My couch wasn't a good option for me (too soft and low) so we moved one the recliners in from the den into the main room I would be in.  I used that to sleep in also.  I covered it with a sheet for comfort and also bought some "Good Nights" (found in the diapers section.  Used by kids who have accidents at night to protect the bed)  Those came in handy a couple of times when I waited to long to get up to pee and then the stress of having to finally get up from the chair caused some urine leakage.  Another good tip....don't wait too long to pee.  :-)

Speaking of peeing, getting up and down off the commode can be a challenge.  In retrospect, I wish I would have bought a rack that goes around the toilet to help me get up and down.  There were times that I resorted to straddling the toilet and going standing up.  Not the most elegant solution, but I was getting stress incontinence and the act of sitting down, especially since I had to do it so slowly would make me lose my bladder.  That has stopped thankfully. 

Walk.   The movement will help you feel more human, but don't over do it.  The first few days are the roughest, about a week out, you will start to feel better but remember, your body just went thru a LOT and you need to pamper it.  Be a wimp, be a wussy baby.  You deserve it for a couple of weeks. 

Ask for help when you need it and even when you think you don't. 

Take a laxative preventively.  I got constipated pretty bad right after.  I swear, that hurt more than the surgery itself. 4 days out I was resorting to things to help me poop that I hope I never have to resort to again.  I had a script for it, but I thought "oh I don't need that yet" till all of a sudden I needed it and it was kinda too late. 

And lastly, enjoy this.  Sounds odd to say enjoy an extensive surgery that will be painful.  But seriously, you have come so far to get to this point.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and savoring it, even the painful or uncomfortable parts will make it all the more sweeter.  Looking at your new body in the mirror for the first time....even with bandages and scars.... I dare you not to smile and maybe even tear up a bit.  You go girl!!!

Best of luck to you.


on 8/4/13 11:16 pm - Senatobia, MS

I rented a lift recliner from Rent A Center and borrowed a potty chair that fits over the toilet.  I would not have taken a million dollars for either after surgery.  I also borrowed a walker for the first couple of days to help me get around safely.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

on 8/5/13 10:56 am

Oh yes, I borrowed a walker too and that came in very handy!  

on 8/5/13 1:50 pm - Cleveland, OH
Check out my blog post on a surgery checklist. It is all there for you! Good luck!
          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
on 8/5/13 1:52 pm - Cleveland, OH
Here, this is easier. Just click on this link
          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
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