I'm preggers! (And new pics of Lorelai)

on 8/15/11 2:49 am
Hi All,

I've said it on a couple posts on here, but I figured I'd announce officially. I am 9 weeks pregnant. We saw a heartbeat last week so I am feeling a little more confident telling you. We're excited & scared to death of having 2 kids under the age of 2. It feels strange to be starting this again. Remembering all the things you're not supposed to do while you are pregnant...the bowel issues...the morning sickness...I feel like I just went through this. Probably because I DID just go through this. Yay! Lorelai is going to be a big sister.

Speaking of Lorelai, here are a couple pics from her 1 year old portraits.

P.S. For all my friends on facebook, please don't say anything on my page. We haven't told everyone yet.

Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!
Amy A.
on 8/15/11 3:12 am - Riceville, TN

She is soooo adorable! Love the piggy tails!
on 8/15/11 3:34 am
What a cutie patootee!! She's adorable!! Congrats on the new bundle of joy! can't wait to make my own announcement on here soon!

on 8/15/11 3:59 am - Miami, FL
 what beautiful news!! congrats! what a joy! :)

and she is so beautiful. i love the pigtails! lol so cute. what a great big sis she'll make :)


on 8/15/11 4:25 am - rockwell, NC
congratulations! Also your little girl is soo cute!
on 8/15/11 5:50 am
COngratulations! two under 2 is not as scary as it sounds. Our wheels have fallen off a couple times, but most of the time, its' just fine. Hooray for you!

on 8/15/11 6:05 am
She's ADORABLE!!!! Have a Kellogg's Fiber Plus bar every day!!! It helps soooo much!!!! Sometimes I had 2 just to help!!! They taste good and they're at costco!! It's under $11 for 35 bars! Good luck and congratulations!!! :)
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
on 8/15/11 6:59 am - weston, FL
shes precious .. and congrats!
on 8/15/11 7:38 am - Halsey, OR
She's adorable!!! And congratulations with the new pregnancy!
Tami   "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13
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on 8/15/11 8:01 am - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria
Congratulations to you!!!  You'll do great with 2 under 2!!  Just think of how close they'll be while they're growing up.... they'll be best friends!!  Wish you all the best.... I'm right with you at 9 weeks!!
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