Weigh****chers breast feeding plan

veronica H.
on 2/29/12 10:27 am - Fairfield, CA
 So I just had my newborn and I'm wanting to start a weightless plan that is safe for my supply but that will also help me start to get down to my pre preggo weight, has anyone tried this after wls with successes? Or is it too much food to eat for our pouch? I'm worried about making the investment if it won't work because of gastric bypass.
Lianne C.
on 2/29/12 11:04 am - Garden City, MI
I was told by my nutrition, surgeon, OB and Pediatrician that no actual "diet" is good for breastfeeding since you have to get good nutrition to produce milk. So even though it was hard to do, I ate healthy food while bfing but never really dieted. Also, I never lost weight while bfing. Now that I have quit, I have lost 10 lbs in a month. It does not come off as quick as it did during our "honeymoon phase". Just hang in there. It will come off over time.

Congrats on your newborn!
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(deactivated member)
on 2/29/12 9:28 pm - Woodbridge, VA
Honestly, I plan on just focusing on eating HEALTHY, which should naturally help with the weight anyway. Whether you're breastfeeding or not, no one needs sugar, junk food, lots of starchy carbs, etc. Focus on the basics of protein first, incorporating non-starchy veggies, drinking lots of water, and keeping up with your supplements.
on 2/29/12 10:08 pm
With my first pregnancy I got lulled into a feeling of "breastfeeding is magic for my metabolism" after I lost all 20 pounds of baby weight in 13 days... by the time I weaned my daughter at 9 months it was all back!  I was so hungry all the time and figured that since I "needed" the calories for my milk supply as everyone said, it must be ok to eat when I'm hungry.  I ate pretty healthy foods, but obviously I wasn't really burning all of that.  This time I'm not messing around, I've gone back to eating like I was during the losing phase about 80% of the time. Now, I'm not going to pretend that a few m&m's or a cookie don't enter my mouth here and there, but I'm trying hard to make good choices most of the time.  Even on "bad" days, I think I'm eating less than 1,500 calories, probably closer to the 1,200 range on a decent day.  I'm currently 7 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, and 10 away from my ultimate goal (which I never got to before my pregnancy since I got pregnant only 6 months out).  Even with the calorie restriction and weight loss, I've had no issues with milk supply and continue to breasfeed almost exclusively.  I think you just have to use trial and error to find out what will work for your body.  Good luck, and congratulations on the new baby!

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

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