sleeve to rny revision - wt loss?

on 9/6/15 9:04 pm - Pleasant Hill, CA


I had a sleeve in 2010 and from a wt loss stand point I have done pretty well and have decent restriction.  I am about 20 over my goal now after getting off 3 months of tpn (Iv feedings -- way too much sugar!).  The issue is that I have severe GERD.  I have needed TPN 3 different times because of severe esophagitis and gastritis.  I have had 3 aspiration pneumonias in the past 5 months from aspirating acid while I sleep.  My surgeon at Kaiser has said that the only option now is to convert to a RNY.   He doesn't think I will lose any more weight with the procedure??  I can't imagine how I wouldn't? If not only because of the amount you can eat the first 2 months!!! For any of you that have had sleeve to rny revisions -- did you lose weight afterwards???  Did any of you develop lactose intolerance when you had your rny?  Was the recovery from the RNY about the same as your sleeve???    Thanks a lot!!!    Amy  

HW 319   SW  277  CW 180  GW 169
on 9/7/15 6:41 am - Toronto, Canada

Qyou sound exactly like what I went through for the last two years. I had something very close to VSG sleeve in 1989. Developed extreme GERD. Instead of IV feedings when I was no longer able to eat foods. I could drink ensure and lived on 4 bottles of that a day from Jan 17 2014 to July 10, 2015. I gained 20 lbs because that stuff has too many calories. My only salvation was the RNY revision. I can eat foods now. I do not have very much milk but I do not have an intolerance to it. I am sticking to the recommended guideline of foods. I did loose from 210 now down to 180 but I am in what you call a stall for almost 3 weeks. Seems my body is trying to stay in starvation mode. I intake about 800 cal per day. I prob dont drink enough water but trying very hard each day. Most foods that I could not tolerate before RNY revision does not seem to be a problem. If we are the same, i could not find any other answer to save my life. The recovery was very fast for me but in comparison to the way things were done in 1989 its hard to advise you. I was up walking around the next day, on full liquids for two weeks. I remember as soon as I woke up, my surgeon said to me "how does it feel with no acid reflux and not wanting to vomit". I smiled because it was true, i never felt so good in 25 years. Warning you will not loose like you did with your first WLS but in the scope of your situation doesnt eating foods and lying down all night long without acid reflux and nausea, and extending your life. Oh yes and my lungs cleared up.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 9/7/15 12:43 pm - Pleasant Hill, CA

Thank you so much.  They do sound very similar.  How is your restriction?  I am glad you are feeling better.  I cant eat chicken or any dense meat which is a bummer...  also cant eat bread which is great LOL.  Because of all my restriction I do eat alot of red fat dairy including nf milk, red fat cheese, cottage cheese and greek yogurt.  Might be minda tragic to become lactose intolerant!!  Thank you for your response!

HW 319   SW  277  CW 180  GW 169
on 9/7/15 5:07 pm - Toronto, Canada

Some of the foods you mention will not be part of your recovery and diet maintenance. Funny you mention bread. I havent had bread for 25 years. If I had to order a sandwich, i would eat the inside and leave the bread. I was quite used to not eating breads. I am only 8 weeks out and i have this desire for some bread. I do not have it, its not part of my diet. My diet allows for 1 percent milk in my decafinated coffee and sometimes I will have on my cereal. But every other day I have greek yogurt, sometimes at lunch I will have cottage cheese. 

I am feeling great by the way. It was really rough and on the verge of needing Food by IV. Only once in emergency in Feb 2014 was I hooked up to IV because of exhaustion and Enemia. After that, I was very careful with juicing all my vegetables and drinking ensure. I couldnt eat any meats or fish. Now i can eat small amounts of chicken, fish and tonight I made roast beef dinner for the family and I was able to eat some. Two years ago, i was having too much dairy and that was aggrevating acid reflux. So nix on the dairy...which took a long time to get out of my brain, but now gone, dont crave it.

i do not consider my small pouch as a restriction. But RNY bypasses your stomach and uses a remnant from the stoach to make a small pouch below the esophagus. I can only eat small amounts right now. Breakfast is 1/3 cup of greek yogurt with a teaspoon of bran buds sprinkled on top. Luch today was first day I ate a whole boiled egg. Tonight fir supper I had 1 oz of roast beef, 4 med. boiled soft string beans and a tablespoon of mashed potatoe. That was the biggest dinner I have had yet. You will be required to drink protein shakes. Seriously i have not eaten like this for over a year and 8 months.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 9/8/15 7:46 am - Pasadena, CA

Hello Amy,

A year ago, Sept 2014, I had revision surgery (sleeve to RnY) and lost 81lbs. My sleeve surgery was done 2010 and I lost 110lbs initially, but regained 75lbs. Anyway, I was so afraid that I was not going to lose weight, but I did. I am lactose intolerant. There are foods that I still don't want to eat - pork and chicken. There are foods I cannot eat - dairy, beans, bread/wheat, pasta, greasy foods, sweets.

i didn't think I would adjust, but I have.

on 9/9/15 8:38 pm

I am six weeks out from sleeve-to-RnY due to GERD. I lost 18 of my 50-pound regain on my own before the revision. I have lost 22 since revision. I have been stalled for three weeks! It is kind of depressing to eat so little and not lose. I hope weight loss starts again! I pray it starts again!!! This can't be it???

I was lactose intolerant after my sleeve/gall bladder removal. I haven't tried anything with lactose yet. (And my program does not allow protein shakes which have whey which is also lactose related.)

My recovery had been hard. I am still not back to normal at six weeks. My surgeon said 6-8 weeks for recovery because it is a serious surgery. I cannot lie on my left side, and I still have some pain.

And I hate to say, I have acid! I still have to take omeprozole. So not such a happy report.

Good luck!

on 9/11/15 3:20 pm - Toronto, Canada

I was just checking on this conversation to see how it is evolving. I had my revision to RNY on July 10 and i have not lost in a whole month. I am fluctuating up a pound and down a pound everyday. It is so frustrating because I am following everything I possibly can. However I didnt know that whey is lactose related and now I am curious if I really am lactose intolerant. I know that my mother in law has been told she is lactose intolerant and only symptoms I see is her bouts of diarrhea after she has an ice cream. Is that how one knows if they are intolerant? Sorry to sound so dumb but with this fluctuating weight, everyday diarrhea and I only have protein shakes, meats and veggies. Today for the first time I felt acid reflux. I will be seeing my surgeon next month and next week my dietician. Should I be grouping these situations together for them? Up to now all medical professionals have been telling me to be patient, take the shakes and that revisions are slow.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 9/12/15 10:22 pm

Diarrhea was always the sign of lactose intolerance for me. Milk or ice cream did it, but not cheese. 

Before my revision, I tried several different types of whey protein drinks. They all gave me issues. But then I found out my surgeon does not allow protein drinks at all, no matter what type they are, so I gave up searching for one I could tolerate.

I have not tried milk since my revision so I don't know if I'm still lactose intolerant.

My weight loss is SLOW. I have not lost any weight in 19 days. Gah.

on 9/14/15 11:19 am - Toronto, Canada

I hear you about the slow weight loss. I am trying to be patient because everybody says revisions are slow. I talked to someone that didn't lose for 3 months after revision and then slowly again for 2 and back into stall. Very frustrating.

Thanks for your take on the lactose intolerance. I definitely think that is my problem. I am like you, no problems with cheese. Wouldn't dare touch ice cream and I have no reason to take milk except for twice a week I will have an oz with my small portion of bran buds. I will ask my surgeon about the protein shakes. I think they are the culprits. Back in the day when I had my first WLS surgery, no body told me about protein shakes and I never took them. Now my surgeon doesn't seem to care much about dialog on protein shakes, he prefers I get my proteins from foods. It is going to be a very different conversation with my NUT. I am actually dreading that conversation....she is always pushing protein shakes. For a couple of days I am going to try the VEGA protein shakes if I can be sure they do not have whey in them.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 9/10/15 9:17 am - Spanaway, WA
Lizzie_Bennet, could you not have soy protein shakes? I have a couple friends that can't even eat bread with milk in it but soy protein works for them.

I am having a revision from sleeve myself soon. I had gerd before i even had the sleeve but it has not changed any since the sleeve and rarely bothers me. My issue is now after i finished all i needed to do and it was time to have a consult with a surgeon, my previous surgeon from 2008 was out of town so had to see a different one. My original surgeon said he thought i should have the rny but then after all was done and i saw the other one, he said he thought i should have the DS. In 2008 i wanted the DS but they didn't do that surgery at this hospital and the sleeve was new. I and one other later, were the only 2 in support group with the sleeve. Now there are a lot of DS people and i'm still wanting the DS. But since i didn't ask the surgeon why he thought i should have the rny i'm making yet another appt to ask why.

This is my last surgery and i want to get it right and something that will do me the most good. My bmi is 52 and i only lost 72lbs with the sleeve then gained it back because i fell off the wagon so to speak and back into old habits. I'm not sure if it is because of the gerd but i have had no issues with the sleeve causing it to be any worse than before surgery and thinking i should be fine with DS. In fact i didn't know i even had acid reflux until i had an endoscopy for a swallowing issue which turned out to be my thyroid. I take no meds for it and usually a sip of water will get rid of heartburn if i happen to get it which is very rarely. I just have this, sounds silly, little voice or desire or need to have the DS like i wanted from the beginning. So will see what the surgeon says and go from there. Also hoping which ever one i get that i can at least lose 100lbs which is about 50 lbs less than my goal would be but it sure would make a difference!

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