Do I need a revision?

on 1/26/20 2:02 pm

I had an open RNY in 2004. Up to 6 yrs ago things were ok. Then I was experiencing alot of pain after eating even the most soft or liquid and ending up self vomiting to get it out. After a year I had an endo done and the doc said my anastomosis was tightening up. He widened it but lasted only a couple of days and back to the same. Had a second one with same result. Forward to present. A year ago I went to a different doctor and he put in a stent to keep the opening from closing but the stent wasn't suppose to be a permanent solution. During this time I was having the same vomiting problems but not as often. Stent came out a month ago I am back to the same. Short of putting another stent in which isn't fixing the problem, I am reaching out and asking those on this forum if you have any suggestions. I want a revision but I live in Wisconsin and there doesn't seem to be any surgeons I can find that do revisions. Appreciate any insight. Cindy

on 2/11/20 4:10 pm

I had Orthoscopic RNY in 2005. I have been having gastric problems for a couple of years now. I have had so many tests. I have similar symptoms to yours. My gastroenterologist thinks it may be what you have. I just had a stomach emptying test. It came back normal. I get sternum and under my ribs pain, and severe pain around my mid back after eating and even after a few sips of water sometimes. I had my gall bladder out and it got even worse. I also wake up with pain around my belly button. I am having constipation issues as well. At this point I'm on meds to treat the symptoms. I'm so sick of being sick and in pain. Ironically, I've gained weight.

I sure hope that you are well soon.

...and me, too.


on 2/11/20 4:26 pm

I often get sharp pains also in my mid section. Scopes see nothing. Don't you just want to scream sometimes CAN'T ANYONE FIX ME??

on 2/11/20 5:29 pm

Yes, I do!

on 8/2/20 5:25 am

hi there,

I would wake up in paind in middle of stomach belly button area and i would be in the worse pain ever. It would dry here and have chills from hot to cold. I have a CT scan and it showered two hernias. My intestines would go through. You could not feel them because they were internal hernias and they are common among people who had bariatric surgery and lost a lot of weight. I had this issue for year and dealt with it. The last time in just was so bad I went to hospital. They found the hernias on CT scan. At that point almost my entire small intestines were through to my abdominal wall. Basicall they pain can come and go as the intestines would go back in place and at points come through hernias which are basically wholes.

Good luck.

Endoscopy won't show this issue

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