Having VGB revision to RYN Need answers

Lisa E.
on 1/14/05 10:02 am - waverly, NY
Hello i had a VGB Lap about 6 years ago, i weighed 316 at the time, in 6 months i lost 100 pounds, after a year or so i got to 197 then stopped losing and slowing started gaining, my weight now goes between 210 and 225, my heaviest was 238.. I am at the 225 now, but i have to really watch what i eat and i still dont lose, So i decided to have the Ryn open.. my surgery date is set for feb. 2 2005, my doctor does about 500 RYN a year and about 100 revisions. he said if he opens me up and theres a problem he wont do the RYN and i would have a big surgery for nothing, but after doing the scope thing to look inside my pouch he said my insides looked good and he thinks i should be ok... He did tell me its more risky and more complications and even death.. he said one women did die.. Iam excite about having the RYN at the same time scared to death... I would love to hear from ppl who had a VGB then had it revised to the RYN and how you made out with the sugery and how much weight lose and how fast..... Thanks for Reading, Lisa
Jackie P.
on 1/15/05 10:52 pm - College Station, TX
Lisa, I didn't have a VBG, but I had non-adjustable banding (the most closely related surgery is VBG). I understand your fear. Right before I went into the op room for my revision, my doctor told me that she had just tried to remove a Molina Band the day before and was able to remove the band but could not convert to RNY because of the poor condition of the tissue of the stomach. My thoughts were just as yours... OMG to wake up and find out you were not converted to RNY; how devastating. I often think about that poor lady and wonder how she is doing. Anyway, I had my revision on 10/23/2003. When I woke up, the first words out of my mouth were, "did it work?"... and I was so relieved to hear my husband say yes that I was crying tears of relief. When I had my banding, I weighed 396 and lost to 255. Then, over 6 years I gradually went up to 317 then down to 288 and back up to 310 when I was coverted. I'm at 173.5 this morning and still losing every month. I have had no complications to speak of other than a hernia which I'm having repaired along with a tummy tuck on 1/27. With my band, I threw up all the time... I haven't done that 1 time since RNY... I think my stomach is thanking me for taking that band off! Good Luck to you and keep us posted. Jackie -222.5 and counting!
Nicole R.
on 1/29/05 2:27 am - Carrollton, TX
Lisa, First I am happy to hear that you will be having a revision. I had a VBG (open) done in July 2003 and I had my revision done December 2004. I started out at 235 got down to 150 (ish) and then started gaining weight. I also was having problems with vomiting. When I had my RNY I start out at 186 and am now around 163. I am losing slower but I believe most revisions do, also keep in mind that I was a "light" weight for RNY. I am happy as long as the scale keeps going in the down direction. Recovering from the RNY wasn't as hard as the VBG because I knew what to expect. I have to admit though the hospital recovery was worse this last time around. If you want to email me and talk more, I don't mind [email protected] Good luck and God bless, Nicole
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