scope results--help

on 2/11/05 7:12 am - Lemoore, CA
Today, I had an endoscopy. I had a VBG in 1988 and am trying to have a revision to open RNY. This test today completed my testing, although I don't know the results of the other ones. Anyway, my surgeon told my husband and I that I had a hiatal hernia. Also that my band from the VBG was fine, but my pouch had stretched. Now, what scares me is the fact that he saw swelling in my stomach and took a couple of biopsies. Can anyone tell me what may be going on and what the biopsies may be for? Cancer? Or could it be for something else? I have an appt. next Friday, but am anxious after I got home and compared notes with my husband. I guess I'm just trying to give myself something else to worry about-ha!
Leronica S.
on 2/12/05 9:30 pm - IL
Slow down girl! Anytime there is swelling abnormalities a good dr. will biopsy. He's just being careful. More than likely there is irritation from something going on hence the swelling. I am in the same boat as you. I have a horrible hiatal hernia and must get a revision as well. Everything should be fine. May I ask why are you going for the RNY? I had a great RNY in 99 lost half of me and was happy. I was told it was the best surgery back then. I did research and it seemed to be true for someone of my size. Well the results are in and unfortunately, more than half of RNY patients gain it back... not due to them being bad or something but because it just stops working after awhile. I thought I'd done something wrong when I began gaining 9 months ago. Here I am 70#'s bigger and finally sought help and found there is a whole group of folks who now have to get a distal or DS. Back in 99 those were reserved for 'super' obese and i wasn't a candidate at 330 (yeah right). Anyway, after not doing much different although my pouch is a bit smaller than the egg it was, i gained and gained. My sister did the same, and 3 of the other people i personally know and talk with a lot who had RNY's. We all felt shame and didn't go and talk to our dr's. My pouch is still intact, I still get my proteins in, but my surgeon says DS is the way to go now for all WLS. I had ruled out VGB, lap band and fobi in 99 when i saw long term data on them. Now I'm not trying to change your or anyone else's mind cause I'm just starting to research the DS. I want to decide if i want to go to distal RNY since I liked my RNY or go for DS. I just know that something must be done. I can't stay this unhealthy forever. If you have any info, I'd appreciate it. Good luck with your revision and stop worrying, I'm sure it will all be ok. Ronnie [email protected]
on 2/14/05 4:55 am - FTW, IN
Ronnie, what is the critria to qualify for the revision? I had RNY 12/01 and lost 220 pounds and since have regained 14 pounds but I have not lost anything in the last 15 months. I have a Endoscopy scheduled for 2/25. Any suggestions on what can I ask the Dr to look for specifically. I am going because I have a problem keeping my dinner down. I lose it regularly 4 times a week. Please post me a response here, as my email on my profile is not current Thanks Christine
Leronica S.
on 2/14/05 5:28 am - IL
questions to ask the dr. could you have a hiatal hernia? are the stoma or pouch enlarged? i'm not sure if they will be able to tell with an endoscopy. my surgeon says when a person has a problem like this he go ahead and does a ctscan and upper gi, these will both show what is going on better than endoscopy. i am not trying to diagnose you, but you sound like me. i was outside my window for losing, but i suddenly started gaining weight, then i started vomitting a few times a week. then it became daily. well i have a hiatal hernia (where your stomach is moving into your chest area) and that has to be fixed. while my doctor was telling me about it, he was like why haven't you been back? i told him i was feeling fine and since i was still 'thin' i saw no reason to see him. when i started gaining i thought i was just being bad. he told me that rny is successful in getting the weight off (if you do what you should in most cases) but that after your 2yr window you will stop losing, and slowly begin to regain. he was surprised i'd lasted nearly 5yr without gaining. he then told me about DS. his criteria is if you are gaining then the rny has failed plus if your co-morbids are coming back. he only does rny on those who can't get the DS which happens to be quite a few folks. however, the insurance company had criteria of 1)100#'s overweight and a 2)just one co-morbidity. one last thing. many insurance companies won't cover the DS surgery. I could never find out if mine did or not. However, I asked for the CPT code of what they do cover. There are a couple of generic CPT codes that just says revision of wls. Those were covered. I told my doctor to use one of those. Turns out that was the way they got another ladies and didn't know why they'd turned her down the first time. Hope everything works out for you!
on 2/16/05 1:26 am - FTW, IN
Ronnie - thanks for the information Christine
on 3/1/05 12:28 am - Lemoore, CA
I know this is late, but thanks! I did get the results back from the endoscopy and I have a hiatal hernia and a touch of gastritis. When I went back to my surgeon (which does the fobi pouch--not rny), I didn't even get to ask him much. He told me the results of the testing and then told me that he was on a 90-day hold from the hospital that does surgeries. He told me to take this time to really think of the risks involved. Almost like he just didn't want to deal with me. I am devastated!!!!! Ughhhhh.....But anyway, thanks so much for the information!!!! You made me feel so much better when I was worrying myself like crazy. Angie Boleen
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