severe abdomen/chest/back pain

on 4/6/11 12:11 pm - Hartford, SD
If you have severe abdomen/chest/back pain please tell your doctor to do a CT scan on your abdomen.  It may save you live (it did mine)!
I have been struggling with these pains for the past 2 years...but recently, they had become intolerable.  I went in and got all kinds of tests: heart, stomach, back... Nothing.  Finally on a chest x-ray they found a big pocket of air under the diaphram.  They did a CT of my abdomen and found two areas of intersussesion of the intestine: very serious, but almost unheard of in adults.  However, it sounds like it is becoming more common in Lap RNY patients.  If you have these pains, tell your doctor to do a CT stat!  Thanks
Lady Lithia
on 4/6/11 12:13 pm
Aww darn it Cyndi, I was gonna get on you for not calling your doc. :-) GREAT PSA though!!! thank you for posting it!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/6/11 2:58 pm, edited 4/6/11 3:58 pm - CA
Have your surgeon also try to see if you have a hernia. I was origianlly diagnosed with an intasussception (which supposedly self resolved)by the GI doctors. Turns out that it was a huge internal hernia (cannoalways t be seen on catscans....I had 4 plus an MRI and multiple xrays.

When I ended up screaming in the ER twice in 3 mos I insisted that a bariatric surgeon go in and take a look (exploratory surgery). Saved my life. Huge internal hernia and intestines tangled and kinked in it. Be proactive!! Internal hernia is much more common than an intasusception in lap rny. Try to rule out the possibility of a hernia too

on 4/7/11 5:33 am - Hartford, SD
Thank you.  Dr G did some exploritory while operating...I'd just had an upper and lower GI in Nov. because of this pain.  My intestine was at the point of rupture.  I just want people to be informed - to know that our bodies are not "average" or "normal" anymore.  I knew something was wrong at the start...luckily it was caught.  I am happy for you also. 

How is your WL going? I am happy with my results, despite some of the medical problems I've had.  :)
on 4/7/11 8:34 am - CA
Hi Cyndi

I am so glad they caught your obstruction in time!  I hope everyone else with this problem has a doctor who is aware of these long term complications.

My Wl is ok. I am 62 years old.  I lost 140 originally (wanted to loose 180 but still happy)  I never got smaller than a 14/16.  I kept it all off the first 6 years, but regained 25 lbs while in a leg cast for 6 mos (I had a mid foot fusion) and could not exercise or walk.  I have lost 5 of those lbs but now that I am better will be starting witha trainer the end of this month to get things really moving. Want to get back into those size 14s.   Amazing how feeling better gets your attitude to change :)

In many ways my health is very much better since WLS. and my healthier lifestyle and eating.  MY cholesterol is 100 point lower, my triglycerides are low, blood pressure low and back pain gone.  I have been lucky so far in that my bone mass is still very good.  My only remaining issue is a large WLS realted kidney stone that we are adressing.

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