So This Is What I Get For Being Nice. Very Long, But I Need To Rant & Vent A little

on 5/21/11 2:00 am
Not so long ago I posted about a lot of protein powder that I had. It was mostly chocolate, about 15 packets, and I'm a vanilla girl through and through. There were some others in the mix too like peanut butter, strawberry, a box of custard(6), some calcium crystals, and a lot of drink add-ins(at least 5-6 boxes) that I bought and weren't "my flavors". I responses from about 3-4 people that wanted them. All I asked was for them to pay for the shipping costs. I would pop the receipt in the box and they could just mail me a check.

The first person I received a message from was from a woman with a child and a husband in the military. She said that they were really strapped for money and would really be appreciative if I could send them to her. She also said that she had a container of vanilla protein powder that she would send to me. I thought that was a wonderful idea and told her she could just subtract her shipping costs from mine and pay me the difference. Everybody wins, right? Wrong.

She said that she would not be able to send it until her husband got paid around the first. No problem, that was only a few days away. It turned out that I couldn't mail mine until then either. A day or so after that, she wrote a long post about how she was going through such a hard time and wasn't sure how they were gonna afford her vitamins etc. Now, in the past, I have been the type of person who would promise to do things for or with people, even my family and friends, and then blow them off so I don't actually have to follow through. I have been adamant in the past couple of years to "reform" myself from that kind of behavior. I no longer wanted to be the person that people can't trust to follow through with their word.

I mailed mine and very excited for her to get it because I knew I had done that right, good thing. I sent her everything that I had that I thought I could part with and she might need. She messaged me to tell me she got the package and it was like Christmas! I made the comment to my mother that I was not going to ask her to send me any money because of her situation and I felt good about helping out. All I asked was for her to send me the vanilla protein powder. She said no problem.

She made a post about her daughter having a seizure and went to hospital et****rtainly didn't think she would be in the frame of mind to deal with the powder at that point. A week or so passed and I wondered what was going on, but I didn't worry something must be up, even though she was posting here. I sent her a message on the 12th of May asking what was going on and why she hadn't sent me the stuff. I told her that I completely understand why it was postponed because all of the happenings in her life. A day or 2 after I sent that message, she posted on OH that she had a day where she was in immense pain and had to go to the hospital and had a surgery to correct a problem with a twisted bowel, I think. Whoa, I certainly didn't expect her to send it but I thought since she was posting on OH she could have at least messaged me back. No go. She had been posting away and said that she had a friend staying with her to help with her daughter for a week or so because her husband couldn't take more time off from work.

Evidently her left after she was feeling better because she posted about taking care of her daughter and maybe going to the park with her that day. Now, I think that if you are feeling good enough to go to a park, you could easily take a package to the post office.

Here's where I start to get irritated. Their were some posts on here a Syntrax Nectar's and the flavors etc. To this, she responded also. She talked about her having tasted some of them and the  "whatever" was her favorite etc. I know that Syntrax sells samples but she gave me the impression that she had a jug or something. I would thing that if someone had money issues so bad that they wouldn't be able to afford some pricier protein powder. I am pretty tight on money too, as I can't work due to severe back issues. I only get a small amount each month and have to live with my parents because it's so little. I sure can't afford to be ordering Nectar's and such.

I wrote her another message on the 19th of this month, asking her what was the deal. I have been very patient due to all the health problems, but I'm almost out of vanilla protein and was counting on what she was going to send me, to get me through. Since she's been posting a lot on OH, I am sure that she has gotten both messages. In my last message, I told her that the least she could do is PM me back about what's going on or whatever. I told her that if she didn't feel like going out then she could easily get her friend or husband to mail it to me, while they are out and about one day. I told her that I expected to hear from her, at least, by the next day.

Well, it's been beyond the next day, it's been 2 days, and I know she posted yesterday, so she would've seen the PM I wrote. STILL, no response. I had others that were even willing to pay me a little more than shipping for all the stuff I had and I sent her MORE than what I listed because of her "situation." Needless to say, I figured that there wouldn't be any problem with whomever I made an arrangement with because it is through OH. If anybody didn't "come through" I could easily plaster that person all over OH. I won't do that because it's immature and uncalled for. BUT, I am HIGHLY disappointed, to say the very least.

I had decided to "pay it forward" knowing that I was helping a fellow WLSer out during a rough time. I would've sent her all that stuff even if she hadn't said she was going to send me the protein powder. My point, is that she made a promise that she didn't fulfill, to a fellow WLSer and a member of her RNY OH "family." I sincerely hope she reads this, since she either won't read my PM's or is choosing to ignore them. I have not been bugging her consistently about this. I have asked twice through PM and have been very patient because of cir****tances. But, I can't sit idly by anymore an be quietly taken advantage of. That's not part of my new character. I will stand up and say what I mean now, instead of quietly bottling up my feelings. Now, I have about 4 scoops of vanilla protein powder and about 6 scoops of my cinnamon swirl left to get me through about 10 days. I drink about 2 shakes a day, so obviously I'm going to be out before then and can't afford to buy anymore, because I didn't allot for it, since she would be sending me hers.

O.K., I guess this is the end of my rant. I am sorry it is sooooo long, but I needed to vent about this to someone and my interwebz friends are all I have a lot of the time. So, if you made it all the was through this, I'll leave you with the life lesson that I always used to live by, and what I would always tell my BFF when she did SO may things for people and then got her feeling hurt or she was let down....

That's what you get for being nice!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 5/21/11 2:11 am - Poway, CA
Sorry this has happened too you, hopefully she see's this post and does the right thing!!!
I love my tool!!!!
on 5/21/11 2:17 am - Morgan Hill, CA
I am sorry to hear your good intentions were taken advantage of.  I wanted to offer, I have an open bag of  'Inspire' cinnamon cappuccino that I am not particularly fond of. I got it from a friend of mine, and I would say it's about half gone, it's just a little 1.25 pounder bag, but you may be able to get to the end of the month, if you like it.  It's whey isolate... if you're not familiar with the brand. Let me know and I can send it out on monday.
Highest weight :412, Weight on surgery day (5/2/11): 370.
on 5/21/11 2:19 am - Roma, Italy
I'm sorry that you have gone through this.  It sounds like she has gone through a lot of personal/health issues and probably doesn't even realize what she has put you through.  Hopefully she will read this and do the right thing! 
Ready to Live Life!             
on 5/21/11 2:20 am - IL
I'm the one who sent her the Syntax Nectar samples (after reading her post of her hardship).  I'd say around 10 packets.  I never received an acknowledgement or a thank-you.  I even emailed her asking if she received them.  No response. 

No good deed goes unpunished!
                        HW: 307  SW:  254  CW: 177 GW: 150
Cheryl Allan
on 5/21/11 2:24 am - Canada
I am so sorry this happened to you I would post her name not to be revengeful but so others know not to send her anything. I am like you and would give anything to help someone and have over the years my best friend of 12 years borrowed 6 thousand dollars off me then didnt pay it back and stopped talking to me so I know how it makes you not want to help people again, I still do as I dont want to think everyone is like those who ditch you or leave you stranded, if you lived in Canada i would personally get you some protein powder just so you didnt feel so let down...karma has a way of dealing with people like that and you will be blessed more times over for what you did in the long run...Have a great day
Cheryl Allan

HW...355......SW....322...CW 281

on 5/21/11 2:24 am - Beavercreek, OH
 Wow.  I'm so sorry that this has happened to you.  Please know that most of us military families are not like this and unfortunately this one person is giving us a bad name.  Please know that she will get what's due her in the end because karma is a bi!ch!!


on 5/21/11 2:30 am - IL
On May 21, 2011 at 9:24 AM Pacific Time, Momma2nicknmike wrote:
 Wow.  I'm so sorry that this has happened to you.  Please know that most of us military families are not like this and unfortunately this one person is giving us a bad name.  Please know that she will get what's due her in the end because karma is a bi!ch!!
Where's the 'like' button!!!!
                        HW: 307  SW:  254  CW: 177 GW: 150
on 5/21/11 2:36 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
EXACTLY! MOST of us (military families) are totally not like this. But A LOT of people do stuff like this to "get over" on others. Now you've helped her, she got what she needed, and "to heck" with you and your problems. Truth is, WE ALL have some kind of issue or problem - if you can't follow through, then don't make promises; ESPECIALLY if you have no intention of delivering.  That's just wrong. I'm STUNNED by some peoples inability to be empathetic to others. I mean, flat out - how would SHE feel if you did that to her? It's THAT simple. This is very disappointing and certainly does make people reluctant to help others, and that's unfortunate.
RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
on 5/21/11 2:33 am
Jacobsmama, You don't know how much that would help me out! I haven't tried that kind, but I'd love to, if the offer still stands! I'll PM you and give you my address. Again thank you soooo much for offering!!

Silly Sandy, Well I just don't know what to say. I hesitated in even making this post, because I did not want to come across the wrong way. I was just so disappointed. I'm not glad you got "shafted" too, without even a thank you. I also didn't want to say who it was, but now I'm thinking about it. I almost wrote in my post that if I ever saw anyone else offering anything that I was going to PM them to be on the "look out" for her.

I just don't want anyone else to feel sorry for her and send her anything. Does she think nobody on OH would say anything? ARGGGG! I hope she does see this too, and at least apologizes to me and gives Silly Sandy the BIG thank you she deserves.
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
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