Emotions overload!

Suzanne Gottschalk
on 5/25/11 1:57 am - Columbia, MO
I just started my 2-week preop diet yesterday. OMG. I am so unsure of myself that I had to check in with my supervisor today to make sure I'm doing a good job. Last night I completely CAVED and ate like, 4 pieces of pizza. I feel so bad, please let me in on how you all made it through this time, I am looking at a week right now like it's totally un-doable - I guess I need a reality check! I need options because I feel like I'm starving to death and just need something to chew! HELP!
on 5/25/11 2:18 am
What type of pre-op diet did your surgeon recommend?  The first few days are challenging as you decarb your body.  The cravings should diminish soon.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 5/25/11 2:50 am - Naperville, IL
To be very honest... the pre op diet is probably going to be the toughest thing you do in relation to the surgery.

Feeling bad is not going to do anything for you.  We all fall but what matters most is that you get up.

I feel your pain.. I seriously do. I struggled during this period and even screwed it up.  Thankfully it didnt negatively impact my surgery.  Just hang in there . Be tough. You can do this !!! 
on 5/25/11 3:13 am
The pre-op diet was the toughest thing for me. The first 3-4 days were the hardest. I just had to keep telling myself why I was doing it. I did things to keep myself busy and drove my family nuts but in the end it turned out OK. You can do this!
lori B.
on 5/25/11 3:44 am
If you mess up just get right back on plan.  I was approved, one week before my surgery date.  So I had no time to prepare mentally, I had to immediately stop eating all but 600 calories, it was tough I swear a chanted " I'm starving" a 100 times.  I was also an emotional mess, overwhelmed but it payed off lost 14 lbs that week and had a very successful surgery.  You can do it try to think of the big picture.  Gook luck!
on 5/26/11 1:26 am - AL
I am trying my best to avoid doing that myself.  I do not have to start my pre-op diet till after 6/8, but I weened myself from Diet Coke week before last and am working hard at de-carbing now.  It is SO hard, but want to minimize as much now with carbs, portions, etc early on so that pre-op diet isn't so hard on me....let's hope.  ha ha 

Last night I made hamburgers for dinner and should have left the bun off, but decided at the last minute to go ahead "since I hadn't eaten much earlier in the day".  I put some chips on my plate out of habbit, but did not eat many of them.  I am taking one day at a time and not beating myself up when I 'fail".  Just get back on track and keep on keeping on the best I can.  Yesterday was very hectic day for me and I did not eat much, so I didn't beat myself up for eating a whole burger on a bun instead of half w/no bun as I had planned originally.

Having said that...beacuse you are already on your pre-op diet, four pieces of pizza or equivalent to that each day can greatly screw up your chances of  either having the surgery at all or the difference between laproscopic and having a zipper down your stomach.  They all say this is THE hardest part you have to do in this journey so don't dwell on the failures, just pick up your boot straps and try again.  You can do it! 

                  "When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180             
Suzanne Gottschalk
on 5/26/11 2:29 am - Columbia, MO
Thank you all so much, today I feel better. It is still tough, I'm thinking of everything I used to have for lunch and last night at the grocery store I felt like crying, but I stuck it out and checked out with my family. I won't be going into a grocery store anytime soon! But if I can just make it to bed, I will be okay. Thanks for all of the replies, I sincerely appreciate it!
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